rent and cost of living on own......


Ex. Club Member
right im frigging sick of being #######ed and the "ya out after the year" crap from my mam n dad and the fact im a "lazy bone-idle b******" i intend to go get a decent job after the year i.e, £1000+ per month and rent a flat (prob council, about £55-£65 a week). now if this did happen, what bills (av' amount) do you guys pay? do you strugle n what kind of life style you have? im also after a new car if this goes well as im sick of old crappy cars with no saftey at all! i know it might seem like im rushing in, but this is why im asking, im not trying to be personal, just researching lol! well cheers guys n i hope you can help!
If you planon livin gon you're own at 18 you will struggle to afford a new car. You will also struggle to modify a Micra :)

You've got your weekly rent to pay, probably approx £50 per week on food, phone bills, electricity, gas if you have it, water bills, then your luxuries. Internet for example, that's another £30 per month gone. Car insurance, car tax, petrol.

I'd say you'd expect top pay monthly
£240 rent @ £60 per week
£200 food, water, essentials
£30ish phone bill dependant on use
£60ish electricity (depending on how energy efficient you are)
£30ish water (again dependant)

£560 per month ISH on your essentials living alone.

Petrol possibly up to £60 per month
Internet £30
Sky £20
Car Insurance £60

£730ish with your luxuries

then you've got your car tax once per year.

on a £1000 after tax you'll have approx £250 left PER MONTH or £60 per week left for leisure, which unfortunately isn't enough for a car, and with that much outgoing I wouldn't suggest a loan.
Its hard work living on your own at any age unless you have a net income of at least £1400 a month, I would definately think about a flat/house share with a mate or two at least until you're fully aware of what's involved in 'leaving the nest'.
i moved out on the 29th of october this year into a house share, i have the biggest room in a secure area of st helens, i pay £255 p/m for rent-electric-water-gas-council tax.

my luxuries are :

Internet and tv from telewest : £20 p/m
Mobile phone (dont have a land line) £35 p/m
Tv licence £120 for the year

Essentials :

£255 for a bond/deposit to landlord

Petrol: £100 p/m
Car insurance: £150 p/m (had one accident)
Food plus washing powder etc : £100 p/m
Dental plan £10 p/m
car tax (£105 per year)

remember that in most places you have to furnish the place yourself or if they do furnish the rooms you have to take care of the furniture etc, this can also make the rent more p/m.

I was lucky because my gran and grandad are moving out in January and i got most of their 'spare' bedroom stuff. Then i went on a shopping trip to the ikea bargain corner with a big van and 100 quid got loads of bargains.

i was ready to move out in feburary but when i had my crash it set me back 6 months ! i would get saving if i was you.

Lifestyle :

Moving out is the BEST thing i have ever done, my mates can come round whenever they want, you can stay up as long as you want and do what you want. With my situation in a house share you have to put effort into cleaning the house etc and all chip in etc, just common sense really.
Im on about £1300 after tax and only just staying within that amount per month i.e not going overdrawn, i had a huge amount of help from friends and family giving me items that are essential like an iron, wardrobe you name it !

Also this idea about getting a new car you wont be able to afford it i can gaurentee that, you have to weigh up the extra money another car will cost and wether it is worth the extra cash or not. I personally think that a flat/house share is worth more to my lifestyle compaired to a car. Ok a new car would be great but i value the fact of having so much more freedom and responsibility to a new car when i have one allready that i own outright.

To recap on the cost per month here is a breakdown:

Rent : £255
Phone : £35
Tv and Internet : £20
Petrol : £100
Dental plan : £10
Food : £100
Social events : £150
Work dinners : £45
Car insurance : £150

for a total you are looking at 950 with a few little things added on.
For my house i live in with the gf, we struggle to pay everything and thats between 2 full time wages.

I give the gf £380 which cover rent, internet, tv, phone, electrcicity, gas. Then we have to buy food on top. Some months you spend more on electricity than others aswell.

Its not that easy to keep a house going in fairness, i moved into this house when i had just turned 17 and it was a steep learning curve.

As paddy says, add on top:

£58 insurance
£120 petrol

and various other things you spend money on per month.
This is what it roughly takes Sam and I in monthly payments to keep our semi detached house going:

Rent: £400 (reduced on what it should be)
Council Tax: £100
Gas: £40-£60
Electricity: £20
Water: £25
TV licsence: £15
phone & Broadband: £35

Then you have to add on all of your other outgoings such as Food, Petrol, Insurance, mobile phone, any loans or credit cards etc, etc....

One thing it's not cheap and we usually have a bit of spare money at the end of every month, but I would never go back, having you own space and being responsible for your own living is very rewarding. Things like modifying your car and personal interests can get put to one side, but it's well worth it.

It's obviously the right time for you to leave home, just weigh up the financies first, because if you feel your unhappy now, it will get a hell of a lot harder running your own house.

If you can share the load with a friend or partner, it's a lot easier and you could look at something better then a council flat.
im in a house with three other girls. we pay £75.50 a week each, which covers rent, home insurance, utilities, internet and television.

On top of that i have a mobile phone which varies depending on how much i text Ian James and Pete (lol), food (i generally eat at work cuz i do 10 hours a day on top of my uni stuff).

Then i have my car insurance, the cost of my new car (which doesnt really count cuz daddy got it for me :D), and petrol, which i might as well just shove my wages in the tank and watch it disappear, road tax, no MOT for a few years yet, drinking money, landline, tuition fees, uni essentials, books, paper, materials for my research post.

###### it, im moving back home
im moving out in the new year my brother has brought a flat and im renting it off him for £400 a month this includes all bills and having cable and the internet then i have £240 for food and fuel for the month you just have to budget the best you can my mum was the same to me !! let me know how u get one
I know this doesn't directly answer your question but have you ever considered joining the forces? Housing, food etc are all subsidised and hence you get more £££ in your pocket at the end of the day to spend on what you want. A lot of my friends are in the RAF and they always end up getting the rounds in (and they all have flash motors!). Just a thought. JA
well im not bothered about new car but i do need a car non the less. i could start nmuk in jan on training (2yr apprentice) and then move upto about £18,000 a year but in my opinion, i can see that place going, i dont think they will win new micra contract, and were lucky to get the last micra n quasqui. but anyways, so ide be looking at a jo off about £1200+ to cover luxuries etc?
yea that would defo do you...IF you can find yourself somewhere your happy with, no point moving out then you find you cant enjoy it, catch my drift ?
I share with 2 other people, I pay £200 + £14.99 a month internet. £200 covers everything for me, I even get dinners made for me. YAY :)
I moved out in september into a friends house (owns his own bungalow) I pay £330 a month which includes teh rent of my room, all bills paid including tv and internet. I then have to buy my own food (£100p/m), mobile bill (no house phone), £40 p/m, loan 100 a month, plus other expenses such as leisure which i like to spend £100-200 a month. Unfortunately I couldnt afford my car, so its currently on my drive collecting dust :(

But I'm alot happier now, I'm within walking distance to my dream job, so I'm saving £200 a month from keepin my car off the road.
Im currently living in center of Cardiff in a student neibourhood in a large-ish 2 Bedroom flat, sharing with 1 person. My bills are as follows:

Rent : £275 p/month
Food, house hold esentials + booze : £60 p/Month
Other stuff : (pub, fuel, phone top-ups, take-aways etc) : £50 p/Month
Car Tax : £112 p/year
MOT : £35 p/year

(Between 2 people)
Electric : £15 p/month (thanks to energy saving bulbs)
Gas : £20 p/Month (Much less in Summer)
Tv License : £135 p/year
Internet (2Mbps) : £18 p/month
Council Tax + water : exempt

Then if you have things like contract mobile phone, car insurance, credit cards, landline phone etc then its obviously more on top:

Its not cheap, but it is great to have your own place.
I live in the centre of Edinburgh, don't live here!!

Rent £460.00
Council Tax £140.00, rather not say :)

I get about £1200.00 per month and have nothing left at the end. But i did buy a 160SR though....ooops