Remote Central Locking


Buy & Sell Member
I have a "serpi star" bog standard alarm on my 3 door. It has bonnet boot and door sensors. Thats all it has. I want to make further use of it by installing locking motors to the doors. Are there any ideas on how to tap into the old alarm?
Do you mean interface the motors to the alarm (ie, when alarm is deactivated, the doors unlock automatically)?
Dude!!!!! Exactly. I was thinking of splicing into the signal wires for arm and disarm, then lead them to a single relay and finally split off to the 2 doors.
I suspect that arm/disarm would only be high (ie switched "on") for a very short period of time. It would be possible to use this to activate a motor with some jigger-pokery, but I suspect it might be easier for you to sell the alarm, and buy a cheap one with the central locking as standard.
It'll be hard to say any more without a schematic.
I understand, but you have to realise im stingy! I have a decent grasp of electronics so i should be able to wire some door motors in. I just want to make a real use for the ####e thats already installed.