remapping the stock ecu


Ex. Club Member
First off, if you are reading this please note this is for info only, if you have a go, and it breaks your car, tough.
Any questions feel free to ask

why would you want to do such a thing?
well remapping the stock ecu enables you to alter fueling, ignition, rev limits, speed limits, idle rpm, and a whole host of other stuff.
you can also change afm, injectors etc at the ecu.
It also retains all the stock values and means no swapping and changing of ecus, and no awful piggybacks.

What will I need
Well as a basic list you would need - all prices are -ish
1 x k11 daughterboard - £100
1 x spare ecu - £20
2 x reprogrammable chips - £20
1 x computer - n/a
1 x eprom writer - £50
1 x consult cable and software for connecting with the stock ecu - £40
software - I'll advise as I go along

What you should buy
1 x wideband reader - £400
emulators - anything from a couple of hundred to 1000+, couple of hundred will do you.

Any interest in this before I start typing please let me know........ five replies gets me typing the rest over the coming days
Just to count towards the five posts required. For those who are tuning their cars I highly recommend going for a re-mapped standard ECU rather than ANY type of piggyback unit that maybe available.

For the cost of the components and Ed's time to do mapping, (since he already has the hardware), it's well worth it, especially for those with cams which push the standard fuelling system beyond it's limits. We've spent a lot of time with NME spec'd engines and the benefits are very noticable indeed and the added bonus is EASILY passing emissions come MOT time, so none of this removal of exhausts nonsense.

So come on people, 4 more 'sensible' posts please :)
would re-mapping a stock ecu have any benefits over a megasquirt standalone jobbie, i obviosly wouldn't be doing any of the work myself.
In my opinion in time money etc, its much better to use remap stock ecu. They are VERY capable
How many/which cats do you have Dave?

p.s. Pete - all info is good info :)

One standard mid mounted cat, passes emissions well within limits as long as the tester doesn't let it idle from cold & expect it to be hot enough.....some mot testers are planks.
sorry to ressurrect this from the dead but I would be interested in finding out where i can get the daughetrboard? as wherever I have looked its been a dead end.

I already have a wideband, moates ostrich 2.0 (8 bit emulator) Used for hondas. Would be interested to be able to mess around with nissans insteads of hondas for a change and maybe ditch my e-manage.
I figured as much, I think Nistune uses 2 ostrich's in combination one odd and the other even on the type 3 board.

What make is your board? Do you have an e-mail or msn so I can talk to you?

I would definately buy that board from you as I am looking into this now as a way of ditching my e-manage. With the hondas you can add cells for boost i would assume the same with nissan/nistune.

what are you tuning with? basic rom editor or something else?

I'm interested as I need ot do something with my car. The ecu isn't all it could be and I will have to replace it anyway. The car is a rebuilt write off - it got it's feet wet when it was less than 6 months old. Wet enough to cover the ecu. It still works but is more than a bit flat in the middle, and the consult connection claims the throttle position sensor always reads in teh middle. Which doesn't help as I use it for tarmac rallying! Yes the rev limiter does work!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will it work for a NATS ecu? Also as the chasis was an auto, although the car now has a manual box, does it have to have an auto ecu as a replacemment?
Hello (Y)

I am about to tune up my micra and I need to know how is the ECU acessible ,( ODB ..... ) How can the mapping be done - exchange of EPROM or flashing?

Does someone have the definition files for tuner pro or some simmilar tuning program?

Is there a base map done. And if someone can provide it.

Plan is : Ported head , exchange of cams From 1.3 litre model or reprofiled cams , fly weel lightening.....

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