Hi folks - just found this site, and was hoping somebody could offer some advice 
My 95 SLX refused to start a couple of months ago - there was plenty of charge and the engine was turning over but just not catching. We towed it to my mechanics place who couldn't find anything at all wrong, and came to the conclusion that the engine management computer might have taken a nosedive. We managed to find a replacement, fitted it, and everything worked fine.
Well, this morning exactly the same thing happened again. I can't believe that my Micra has that sort of appetite for engine management computers, so I wondered if anyone had any idea what else might be causing this? It's not a habit that I can afford to fund, and I'm too attached to the car now to palm it off on someone else
Cheers in advance!
My 95 SLX refused to start a couple of months ago - there was plenty of charge and the engine was turning over but just not catching. We towed it to my mechanics place who couldn't find anything at all wrong, and came to the conclusion that the engine management computer might have taken a nosedive. We managed to find a replacement, fitted it, and everything worked fine.
Well, this morning exactly the same thing happened again. I can't believe that my Micra has that sort of appetite for engine management computers, so I wondered if anyone had any idea what else might be causing this? It's not a habit that I can afford to fund, and I'm too attached to the car now to palm it off on someone else
Cheers in advance!