rebuilding a ma12


Ex. Club Member
does anyone know approximately it costs to rebuild a ma12?

or to purchase a rebuilt./ recon engine?

is there anyone on here who could rebuild a ma12?


i rebuilt that ma12 you bought off me in the red k10 that ran the 18.1 sec qtr mile.

i bought the whole engine from a scrappy for 50 quid, then stipped it down in its entirety and rebuilt it. there was not a bolt or seal in that engine i didnt replace or touch.

From what i remember :

head gasket set - about 40 quid (although i would buy from nissan as head gasket is very important!)

new bearing shells about 40 quid

new piston rings were about 20 quid

then theres all the tools you need - spring compressors, valve spring compressors, balljoint seperator and piston ring insertor tool.

i have an excellent condition ma12 head if your interested??

id say budget about 200 quid for the rebuild. well worth it though as you then have the tools for later use etc.

took me a couple of months on and off to strip and rebuild it, but i was only working on it now and again. VERY rewarding at a personal level as every time i turned the key i knew it was ME that made that - hope that makes sense!!

need any info - just ask.

It would be pretty cool to have it done, thing is I have never re-built an engine before, I know that engine you built was hard as nails (trust me) and I want to have something like that in my new white super s.

would you be able to build one for me?

PM me some contact details for you, your msn address?

I want to do something good to that white K10 so a rebuilt ma12 would be perfect.

you should get another K10 again mate, fancy my red super s? selling it cheap!

Nice to hear From you again,

To rebuild it you've got to remove it, so why not swap the two engines over?
cause I dont own that car anymore, I sold it to some guy from scotland who doesnt use the forum anymore!
noooo, we are on about the red K10 1.2 LS which Mcmitten (Luke) and Myself used to own!

K10 Super S said:
new piston rings were about 20 quid

then theres all the tools you need - spring compressors, valve spring compressors, balljoint seperator and piston ring insertor tool.

Where did you get a full set of piston rings for a MA12 for £20? And a full set of bearing shells for £40? Even for engines with cheap parts (i.e. not Nissan engines), that is very low.

What did you need a balljoint seperator for?

You need to hone the bores of the engine if you are replacing piston rings, or they will have a very short life indeed.
Mark said:
I just rang some random engine reconditioner and they wanted 395+vat exchange.

If a professional was doing it, I'd expect more than just the parts replaced. At least some limited checks on dimensions, flatness etc. and possible machining to rectify these faults.
i was looking into a reconed 1.2 and i got the offer of 395 for fully rebuilt and tested engine and 90 for p and p
parts cost a fortune, Its more like £100 for a set of rings. And as andrew says, the bores DO need honing. Theres so much that needs to be done, you can easily be spending 300 - 400 in parts