rear speaker cable



ive read about people having rear speaker cable already run int there boots even if they dont have the rear speakers, where are these located, i have a k11 but no rear speakers and im looking to install some but cant find these cables its either this or run my own in any help appreciated.
It should be there, as far as I know it's part of the standard wiring setup.

As K11SS says, just pull the carpet back and it should be there, white connector with 4 pins inside
i have the inspiration, t reg so its 99 the facelift style i cant find my cig lighter connector bhind the dash so is it likely not to b there
goldstar0011 said:
It should be there, as far as I know it's part of the standard wiring setup.

As K11SS says, just pull the carpet back and it should be there, white connector with 4 pins inside

Will the carpet go back down as flush as it was when u lifted it up? I.e. are there clips or anything?
there is one clip on the side bit of carpet but it all goes ack fine, i have jus bin out to ave a look, there is a connector white with four pins, howver now im confused there is only one so hat do i connect to it so i can run rear speakers,
also what conenctor will i need for an aftermarket headunit the ones on car audio direct only go up to the 98 models, or can i use this connector with my micra
Bennai said:
there is one clip on the side bit of carpet but it all goes ack fine, i have jus bin out to ave a look, there is a connector white with four pins, howver now im confused there is only one so hat do i connect to it so i can run rear speakers,
also what conenctor will i need for an aftermarket headunit the ones on car audio direct only go up to the 98 models, or can i use this connector with my micra

Has anyone got any pics of removing the micra carpet? (1994 if possible!?)
hey benni, i have an inspiration and ive found my speaker cable and my cig lighter plug ! ill get some pics for you. the speaker cable is tie-wrapped to the metal bodywork on the right hand side of the boot behind the carpet, a brown plug.

The cig lighter plug is black and is situated behind the centre console panel, running down the right hand side, you will need to take off the plastic 'cubby whole' thing and the plug is tucked under the floor carpet on the right...hope that helps, ill take some pictures later on tonight as im in work atm.
thanks paddy, a brown connecter u say, ill go out and have another butchers later, is tere only one though or are there 2
paddymarsden said:
hey benni, i have an inspiration and ive found my speaker cable and my cig lighter plug ! ill get some pics for you. the speaker cable is tie-wrapped to the metal bodywork on the right hand side of the boot behind the carpet, a brown plug.

The cig lighter plug is black and is situated behind the centre console panel, running down the right hand side, you will need to take off the plastic 'cubby whole' thing and the plug is tucked under the floor carpet on the right...hope that helps, ill take some pictures later on tonight as im in work atm.

can we have some pics of this please? Also what year/model is your car? I.e. 1994, Tropic
sure lads, im really busy at the moment (in work) im off tomorrow all day though and i promise to take some pics, my car is a 2000 Inspiration.
right guys, the speaker cable is situated here, i have taken the plug off but its a white plug, for left and right.


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