My Micra will also be joining the Rat-look clan with help from my boyfriend who has built two rat-look Novas in the past ( CrAzY kAyLL on )
Ok so before I answer all the questions ill introduce the car and show pictures of what its been like,
Its a 1.0L 1996 (No engine mods... yet)
Bought it a year ago for £350 (The wheels are worth £350 but i got mates rates )
At first I was paranoid about having a micra, but now, im in love, such an enjoyable like car and so so reliable.
Ill start the pictures on how it begun and how it is now.. Pic heavy
Failed chequered roof -..-
Yes it is red oxide, the grill was being 'modified', ive seen crazy kayll knocking about on rat forum and think ive seen his nova, black?
Yeah his first one was matt black and was featured on front cover of Fast Car mag then he built a matt white one but sadly both of them have been smashed the silly boy