R.A.F. pre joining fitness test


Ex. Club Member
well, i have passed the medical for the RAF with flying colours, 99% hearing and 100% eyesight (with me glasses on..lol) and i now have 2 weeks to prepair for the pre joining fitness test which is a 2.5km run (or 1.5 miles) on a treadmill in under 12 minutes.

i worked it out i have to run at 8mph ish.

any tips that anyone has?

after this i then have to do more than 12 pressups in 1 minute (easy peasy) and as many situps as i can in 1 minute too.

after that they give me a joining date and im in! (Y)(Y)
Nice one mate

With the treadmill, if it's got handle bars to rest your hands on, use them to push your body up whilst the treadmill is rotating under neath. It's still racking up the KM without you actually moving ;)

If you wanna do it seriously though, just keep the arms moving and breathe properly.
awsome..just drink loads of energy drinks and energy bars :D just go for a run every once a fewdays that will prepare you for the test.
Have you looked at the preparatory fitness regimes they publish? I've got the RAF Officers one in booklet form but the Army do a good thing on their website telling you how to build up to it...
2.5KM in 12 minutes is easy. Before you go on do some jogging on the spot for a minute, stretch your legs off and shake everything loose. Then start at a slow jog for 2 minutes before cranking up the speed.

2.5km is not as far as people think. Just keep looking forward and dont forget to breath nice and steady. You'll do it matey (Y)
Yeah 1.5 miles in 12 minutes is a fairly average job. I remember cross country as a young one, 13 minutes was fast for 2 miles @ 12yrs old. I would not be able to run 2 miles now though. Should have no problem, as long as you are reasonably fit. Measure out 1.5 on google maps or something - do a trial run!
/\ lol...

thanks guys, i did 5k yesterday on and off and have been swimming alot recently, i have also done 20km on a excersize bike (sweating my titties off..lol) and have been taking iron supliments and drinking lots of water.
but i am also eating lots of tuna and oranges and playing some football too.
its strange, some days on the treadmill i can jog at 9kmh for an hour and other days i can only do 5 mins. and i need to lose weight.. badly...