Post Here to Say Hi.

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Bon journai;

My name is Joseph Murray. I'm a cANADIAN. I have a lovely little turnip of a micra called Baldrick. More to follow. Such as pictures. I own a tuba and a K-10 Micra. The tuba is more valuable - by far. Anybody else of that mix on this site? I have one of the surviving K-10j's imported to Canada. It's an 1986 and I'm an 1957. Both classics. I shall be an interesting personality on this site. Glad to be here.
Welcome to the club, and thanks for signing up! all the way from Canada. I hope that will also encourage some of our British non members to do the same.

Enjoy the MSC :)
welcome aboard the fun house dude here you will find a mixture of slightly modded first cars to heavily modded turbo 1's!

put your feet up and have a cuppa tea and enjoy at is THE MICRA SPORTS CLUB!
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