RE: RE: Post an up-to-date picture of your K10!
Super S 1.5T said:
i'm curious to know how u did the back engine mount?
I lifted the engine in it's place and put the rear mount where it just "went". Then I welded the mount a little bit, lifted the engine out and welded the whole mount around. Hopefully you understood what I meant, it's hard to explain in finnish, but even harder to explain it in english...
Super S 1.5T said:
have u got custom shafts??
Left shaft is custom made (actually, I got it today at 4pm). I positioned the engine and gearbox so that I could use Sunny's right side shaft. Here in Finland law is against welded shafts so that's why had to have it custom made.
Super S 1.5T said:
not sure about FMIC position, you may hit something!
I'm going to build protection frames from metal to it. Here gravel roads are common so I preferably weld and repair the protection frames than buy a new intercooler and open the engine to remove all the aluminium that got into it...
Super S 1.5T said:
is it running OK?
drive alrite?
any engine vibrations inside the car?
It's running fine without any problems

There aren't much vibes from the engine to the body of the car. Actually I think that it vibrated more with MA10.
Today was the first day when I tested it on tarmac and I noticed that 175 wide tires are not enough to handle the power. I was using 0,5 bar (or do you use psi there? -> 7psi) boost pressure now and I don't want to break it because it isn't yet much driven. When I've driven it a little bit I'll raise the boost somewhere like 1,0 bars (14,5psi). My dad was also with me when I tested it on bike path which is something like 150 meters (150 yards?) long or so. When I first accelerated from idle to 5000rpm with first gear (and wheelspin :devil: ) my dad was speechless, he didn't udder a word. I turned the car around and I wanted to test it also on second gear. I started from car moving at second gear on idle and then floored it. 0,5 bars came nearly instantly and it accelerated quite well. There's a highway besides tha bike path where I tested it and the speed limit of the highway is 50mph (actually 80km/h, but it's the same). When I did this second test with second gear I noticed that after some accelerating I was outrunning the car that was driving along the highway :laugh: I think that it accelerated pretty fast according that I only had 150 meters of tarmac, I drove little bit of it on idle, I still had time to brake before the bike path ended and my dad weights 105kg... After doing this second test my dad finally said something. first he said quietly in finnish "hui jumalauta..." which is something like "goddammit.." said scary in english and was little time quiet, then he said loudly "VOI JUMALAUTA!!" which can again be translated as GODDAMMIT!!! but now he shouted it :laugh: I didn't think that the accelration was so "awesome" but maybe it is because I was driving the car and consentrating on the boost gauge and fuel/air ratio meter.
By the way, Umar, how did you arrange the "brake effector" (that thing that gives you more braking power with underpressure of the engine) hose? Did you put something there that won'tlet the positive boost pressure go to the "effector"?
Edit: Actually, the bike bath wasn't 150 meters long, I misscalculated it. I thought that the distance between lightpoles was 50 meters, but the distance is actually 25 meters, so the bike bath was only 75 meters long...