Ploughed into a speedhump


Brutal Honesty

Was driving at night down a back road, pitch black with the occasional oncoming car.

Never been on the road but it seemed to have bumps in it previously, I could see the fresher tarmac where they once were. So anyway, at the end of this road was a speed hump, I was doing about 50mph, managed to brake and swerve but my left front wheel ploughed straight over the bump at probably 40mph..

I've noticed some grinding coming from what I think is the geabox area. Only grinds when in gear and decellerating. It's less noticeable when I push the accelerator pedal a little bit. It's getting little louder everytime I drive the car..

Changing gear is still smooth and the car is not juddery and no other problems with the gears.

Any ideas on what the noise is? Someone said it could be the diff?

Thanks :(
As I learnt when I single wheel'd over a badger, it's usually best if both wheels take the same beating, I was thinking diff too when you mentioned the gearbox. Or it could just be a royally trashed connection to the wheel, bet it's put your tracking out something royal!
there is a possibly that you have smashed off a bit of plastic like the inner mud guard on that wheel. when you decelerate the weight shifts forwards pushing everything forwards which could cause a loose bit of plastic to rub. it could be rubbing against the drive axle too, i think there is a mud guard around the axle which may have come loose.
think i'd be checking for straightness of the wishbone. we clipped a kerb in my brothers subaru justy (yes it does exist, as a hungarian built suzuki swift made under license by daihatsu) and the wishbone folded. this caused the wheel to push back onto the rear of the arch and cause a horrible scraping like you describe. the noise isn't as bad when accelerating as the wheel flings forwards around the hub (changing the castor angle). when decelerating, it drops back and crunches again.

the best way to check this is measure (by eye or ruler) the distance between the centercap of the wheel, and some point on the arch. obviously measure it to somewhere you can replicate on the other side, eg. the furthest point away, or the bottom corner of the arch.
Thanks for the replies.

Wheel is central in the arch, wishbone is straight and no hole in the gearbox.

Been offered a 2000 1.0 box, apparently it will fit.
Check the heatshields, especially the ones under the engine. On my 1.0L there was a grinding sound after hitting a speed bump. It sounded awful just as you described. Turned out it was just some loose heatshielding.
no hole in the gearbox.
sr_steve was running as low as you and ended up leaving a trail of gearoil on the road (and a shagged g/box)
if yours is grinding when axcellerating and decellerating, it sounds like a drivetrain problem to me
them tow hooks under front saved me a couple times when i didny see a few rd sleepers,,,,,,although the fronts shifted sllightly due to the impacts,,beats having the g-box out of action
sr_steve was running as low as you and ended up leaving a trail of gearoil on the road (and a shagged g/box)
if yours is grinding when axcellerating and decellerating, it sounds like a drivetrain problem to me

No oil is leaking from the box. Double checked just to make sure.
Heatshield is fine, so that;s not making a noise.

Def the gearbox, something inside is broke. It's a mechanical grinding.

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