Please help me!


Ex. Club Member
Hi all, I have a k11 1996 nissan micra vibe 1.0 twincam 16valve, I love her dearly but these last couple of months when the weather has started to become more colder and damper I have been noticing a problem when I pull off at junctions, when I am ready to pull off, I go to pull off as normal but then it feels like I've put her in the wrong gear as she feels abit groggy like she's going to cut out, it is only when I give her some more revs that she starts to get out of there. I have looked on the forums on here and some of you are experiencing the same problem and I have read a few of members replies which say it could be the throttle body or the spark plugs, also they say it could be a fuel problem. I must admit I do have NGK spark plugs in her at the moment as they were in there when I bought her, but then I read that these dont last long and that I need to get rid of them and replace them with the normal spark plugs, preferably the bosch ones. It doesnt happen all the time. My clutch needs replacing within the next 2 - 3 months so that doesnt help the performance that much, just adds to the problem. I really dont know what I should be doing first apart from changing the spark plugs and seeing if that helps. If anyone could please give me some advice it would be well appreciated. And thank you for taking the time to read my problem, I know its half a book long but I just wanted to explain the whole problem in detail!!!! thank you once again :blues:stokie1985 aka ryan:blues:
Hey there stokie!

Wow the old girls 14 years old hehe, these problems, to be expected however they certainly are not a problem usually!

So normally these problems are normally down to some small time maintenance, recently mine did the same so its worth trying things here and there to fix it.

What i did when mine first started was try out this redex injector cleaner (the older micras have injectors dont they?) seem to smooth out my ride for about a month but now i find the jumpy low reving problem has returned.

The next thing i would have to say is check basic items, such as your air filter element, when was your last oil filter replaced? maybe even the fuel filter needs a change (but its unlikely), i'd definately check the air filter though!

Following this, it is worth checking your spark plugs (dont think it'l be an issue) but is always worth the check! hehe,

With some basics cleared, we look at more common issues with the k11, after time the trottle body solder i think degrades to the point where a simple operation can prompty fix, this is know as the throttle body resolder and can be found quite happily around the forum and google! however

Because your a micra man :)

Also you will find alot of members here will post! (ehem fraaaaaaaank) hes quite an expert on these things haha!

Hope you get it sorted Ryan !

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