Plastic Drain plug is very stiff

Dear Micra Sports Club members ,

Do you know how to remove a plastic radiator drain plug without snapping the head off? Should you soak it in WD40 or anti-freeze beforehand to make it easier to turn? Mine is probably 24 years old.

Thanks ARROW
Hello again Maarten, thanks for your reply,

My problem happen to be with a Fiesta this time. The bottom hose is about 2 inches from the bottom of the radiator, has a rusted on clip and has been on for a very long time.

I have Radweld Plus in the system which I am trying to flush out so I can refill with coolant and add K-Seal.

Yours faithfully

If the plastic drain plug is to tight i really wouldnt try to hard. You might get it out but it wouldnt be the first that would fail after reinstall. Thats why id rather remove the hose. (and replace the clamp if needed) placing the hose back and flushing it with water wouldnt hurt and would dilude it enough. Then just drain it again and fill with coolant.