PistonHeads.com: Gordon Brown Misleads Drivers

I'm shocked and stunned by this revelation, fancy that, a politician that doesn't do what he says he'll do :wow: :wow: :wow:
I'm shocked and stunned by this revelation, fancy that, a politician that doesn't do what he says he'll do :wow: :wow: :wow:
Brown: I might call a snap general election...
* Tories go up 20 points in the opinion polls *
Brown: Aha! It was just a test for you all! There's no election really!

Grrr so annoying. He knows the people don't want him there so he's just gonna stay there anyway! People i think are fed up with Labour, not just him and delaying the vote & putting up petrol tax for non road related issues isn't really doing him any favours.

If he's confident Labour are that great, it should go to the vote. They're all bloody useless but anything's got to be better than Labour
I don't think we'll ever get a truthfull, decent leader in this country. It's not what you know it's who you know. There's no point in screaming this that and the other at Politicians because they really don't care. They have their own interests at heart and if the people of this country knew half of what goes on behind the scenes they wouldn't be too happy i can tell you.
We've had problems like this for decades and it'll continue well into the future. Unless you find someone with enough commitment, decency and understanding of the people who put him/herself in the best job in the country then we'll continue to be lied to and ripped off.

People seem to forget that 'they' the English Government are answerable to the people of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and no-one else We put them there and we can get them out just as quick....no messing.

I'm sure as Eggs that if we all ran our affairs like the Government does, we'd all be on the streets begging.....
It really doesn't matter who's in power, they all treat the little man the same when they get in power, the older members will back me up on this. By the way, how do you know when a politician is telling lies ??..................

.................You can see his lips moving.