PistonHeads.com: Driving Age Set To Rise To Prevent Road Casualties


Learner drivers are to be banned from taking their test until they’re 18, under new government proposals. The plan is to allow young people to start learning at 17, but not allow them to take their test until they turn 18.
In addition to these new plans, new drivers would also adhere to a zero booze limit, preventing any “I’ll just have the one” antics.
Although drivers under 25 only account for one in eight license holders, statistics show they account for a third of drivers killed in crashes and nearly half of all drivers killed at night.
Politician Jim Fitzpatrick commented: “We want to send out a message that passing your test and driving is not just a bit of fun. It carries responsibilities regarding the safety of themselves, passengers and road users, including pedestrians.”
It was also noted that the laws for learning to ride a motorcycle would have to change; otherwise young people would swap four wheels for two.
Well it's about time in my opinion, a year of learning will teach them more, although some people would wait until a month before they are 18 and then take lessons. If this does happen the price of lessons will have to go down.
Your mad, if this happens the price of lessons will definitely not change, it will delay a few to wait until they are 18 and others will learn experience with their parents / tutor etc..
Maybe not the waiting til 18 thing then, however I do agree with not carrying passengers and not drinking, though not being able to drive after dark is stupid, I work late some nights and it is dark when I go home, what they are suggesting would result in me walking home.
It wont make any difference to the accident statistics at all, changing the driving age from 17 to 18 years old or even 20 years old will make no difference, the inexperienced are the inexperienced no matter what age whatsoever.

It would be far better to lengthen the training period, making it compulsory to take a minimum amount of compulsory training through an approved training company, this coupled with perhaps a limit to the power of cars available to new drivers of any age for the first 2 years are going to be the way forward in my opinion.

After all insurance companies wouldn't offer discounts to drivers who have passed advanced training if it didn't make any difference to driving standards would they ?
It would be far better to lengthen the training period, making it compulsory to take a minimum amount of compulsory training through an approved training company, this coupled with perhaps a limit to the power of cars available to new drivers of any age for the first 2 years are going to be the way forward in my opinion.

This is a good point, on a motorbike you are limited for a couple of years to a bike with little power, the you can upgrade, in those years you get the experience needed.
it would be nice if the zero booze limit was set for all drivers

That's what i was thinking when i was reading this thread. Something really needs to be done about the price of soft drinks though, with places charging £2.50 for a watered down coke. It's not surprising people drink alcohol instead!
i dont think it will make any difference at all. 18 or 17, when you get behind the wheel for the first time yourself your going to be equally as unexperianced driving alone. not being allowed to drive at night (when it is actually most safest) would be extremely stupid. and zero tollerence on alcohol? fair enough.
It is not about experience, it's about maturity and attitude - I for one think it is a good idea, hopefully it should make everyone's insurance premiums drop too.