PistonHeads.com: Bernie Embroiled Bribe Scandal Ahead Of German GP

i said it before i will say it again...... hes too powerfull, hes insane, completetly corrupt and needs buying out by people who actually want formula 1 to succeed as the premier motorsport on the plannet. instead he is running it like his own little train set, getting mad like a child and throwing his bottle out of the pram when he doesnt get his own way, (case in point the donnington park saga, caused by ecklestone) he uses formula 1 to make money and thats fundamentally against what the sport stands for. he is constantly changing his mind (probably altzimers or similar making him forget what rules he changed last week.) ruining the sport by trying to make it "more competative". KERS and Active spoilers...... what a load of garbage. there is a reason the old formula 1 was more interesting to watch 80's,70's etc.... and thats because the manufacturers were given free rain (almost) to create the car they though was the best in the world at going round a track, stick a driver in and drive...... simple. the rules are so convoluted now that teams are struggling to even understand them, the technology is available to anyone with a cheque book big enough and there is very little in the way of innovation (if you take adrian newey out of the equation) the sport is dieing on its arse and its all burney's fault. LEAVE THE BLOODY SPORT ALONE YOU MONEY GRABBING OLD FART. go and play with horses or even better....... live nuclear war heads you mouldy old goat.