pimp my ride episode 2


Ex. Club Member
tim westwood once again... and annoying idiot. He *CANNOT* drive, revving the knackers off the car from starting it up, then pulling off in a very learner driver fashion. Anyway to the car. One very beat up mk2 golf. big wheels, red leather DVD players, decals, you know the story. It wasn't too bad and at least they arn't doing Novas and corsas.

i just wonder how long before these cars start appearing on ebay eh?

Westwood is a jackass, is he like that for real?!

Liked the car this time, not liking the interior colour but a better car than the Morris Minor

from the US one....
yes but like BANG bling wow its like kickin'...

it may have new paint but fiver on the engine still seizing just before the exhaust rolls its way down the road
i was talking about the US, sorry. still not over the fact the UK has a version too - even joe guest would have been better than that tit!
Dr Zoidberg said:
Layla said:
the one thing? not the bloke who is under the impression he a home boi from the hood?

thats why i only watch it on the net, couldn't stand it for 1/2 hour :D


heh. its more fun to laugh at him actually. i want them to do one and for it to suck so much the person hits him *day dreams* hope it me
RE: RE: pimp my ride episode 2

Layla said:
heh. its more fun to laugh at him actually. i want them to do one and for it to suck so much the person hits him *day dreams* hope it me

now that would be funny :laugh:
It's a shame Jim didn't hear back from them, it would've been awesome to see a K10 get pimped out :)

But yeah, Westwood is a plank! I bet anyone downloading the torrents from the US is laughing at us with someone like Westwood hosting!
"lol look at that like brit like yeah thinking hes like one of us like yeah"
hes a disgrace to all things british. tisk.

"wow here manda here is like your new like micra wow bling"

*tw&ts with random plank thats lying around*
I wouldnt be surprised if americans watchin that on the net thought it was a joke, a spoof on pimp my ride!
The car wasnt too bad tho...
Westwood does seem to do alot of pointing, i wonder how long before someone takes his index fingers off him.

Yeah as zoiberg says, for those not wanting to have to listen to westwood...the net version has all the necessary bits in but without him.

Car was canny, didnt like to bright red interior tho.
well the bloke who had it loved it. i wana see them do up an old hillman imp, or a capri etc some classic british cars - not just ones that max power lovers like.
i don't think one person has said that they like tim westwood! and that goes for everywhere i've read. who should they replace him with? other than xhibit...
Companies make huge amounts of money with hair-pullingly bad adverts. I am sure there are quite a few that you know of. Maybe using Westwood is a tactic to try and draw more attention to the program by it being so embarrassingly bad?

Ok, maybe not, but certainly, I wouldn't have even watched the show if it hadn't been for the hype regarding him! :)
RIK said:
jeremy clarkson,,lol at least he can drive!!

Are you sure? I have 5 of his DVD's and whilst he is a great car presenter - the best I've ever seen to be honest, his driving isn't very good at all.

You want to see good driving - watch some of Tiff Needell. :)
RIK said:
jeremy clarkson,,lol at least he can drive!!

or that james bloke who thinks hes jeremy. the one who uses the same voice expression, the same wording and if you shut your eyes can be mistaken for him.

id watch if they used richard hammond. mmmm
My personal opinion is that james isn't funny at all many times. He is a remarkable Top Gear presenter in the fact that not a huge amount of people like him. Thing is though, that if he stays around he will get morphed into the "Top Gear" presenter aura, and he'll become part of TG. In fact I think he already is. I already like him noooooooooooooooooooooooo.
wilsonian said:
well the bloke who had it loved it. i wana see them do up an old hillman imp, or a capri etc some classic british cars - not just ones that max power lovers like.

They actually do a Ford Capri in the next episode IIRC. :)
Thats correct, has some flammage up the sides i believe once its done.

Some big goth dude owns it and a skeleton pops out the back, lol
i don't think one person has said that they like tim westwood!

Time for some controversy...i don't mind him, don't get me wrong, he acts like a p***k but..and here's the controversy.....

i think he's a good DJ, he's always got a good track waiting in the wings to drop in and you'd probably be surprised how respected he is in America, think of all of the artists that record live sets for his albums etc etc.

Again, i emphasize that he does act like a tart and does appear to be trying too hard to be a "G" (...), but i'd still shake his hand, he's made it in the UK and America and not many English artists/DJ's can match that.

...End of sudden lapse in pride and continuous verbal damage limitation.....!
