pheeewwww thank god...

Well finnaly took my micra on the motorway yesterday was abit aprehensive had the thought my bumpers might fall off lol but i braved it and my bumpers stayed fast mind you i only went up to 75 lol but if i go any faster who would look at my little matchbox all theyd see is a **** in a green car lol goin fast neway im happy to say it all stuck together like a super super glue lol...
Considering the bumpers are held on by 4 bolts a piece, I think you're safe going on whatever roads you like, without fear of them coming off (unless you're like me and the Nissan Dealership sold you a Micra where the rear bumper was held on by hopes and dreams) - but if you're really looking to give it a rumble then motorways are actually the worst place too smooth - go for some really rough back roads, went down a particularly bad one too quickly and managed to rattle my entire car stereo wiring out, and had to go the rest of the journey in silence :(

The more likely candidates for motorway casualties are wipers (lost three in a year and a half to the M40 and M25), windscreens (for when that lorry in front of you fires the odd stone up), and generally anything loose on your car (such as an L plate on the dual carriage way at 70).
Considering the bumpers are held on by 4 bolts a piece, I think you're safe going on whatever roads you like, without fear of them coming off (unless you're like me and the Nissan Dealership sold you a Micra where the rear bumper was held on by hopes and dreams) - but if you're really looking to give it a rumble then motorways are actually the worst place too smooth - go for some really rough back roads, went down a particularly bad one too quickly and managed to rattle my entire car stereo wiring out, and had to go the rest of the journey in silence :(

The more likely candidates for motorway casualties are wipers (lost three in a year and a half to the M40 and M25), windscreens (for when that lorry in front of you fires the odd stone up), and generally anything loose on your car (such as an L plate on the dual carriage way at 70).
lol i cant go on the rough roads my bumpers are really low i didnt want to go on the motoway with em cus there custom built by myself lol and was afaid that the bits id added would fall off under presure of the wind lol but they stayed fast lol and relifed lol cus iv got a long trip cumming up end of july to gud old telford lol...but im pleased to say they didnt budge so my work was gud lol...

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