
» CMF Member
Member since:
(Cisco this post a new message from the main screen rocks!)

Anyone remember the little hose that connected to the bottom of the stock airbox?

Wondering if this hose needs to be connected to vacuum source..mine's just hanging around at the moment.

Im assuming it might be if it was plugged into the stock airbox..(which would have some vac..)

OR what are you doing with it?

Also, my bloody car is still leaking oil...not as much now but its ****ting me because just had new rear seal put in..


» CMF Member
Member since:
(Cheers mate.)

Hey do you mean the short, thick, nuggety one?

Or the long skinny one that plugs in underneath which goes through the PCV sponge filter thing inside the airbox?

Is it the main seal leaking again? Or something else this time? Got a pic? Where's it coming from?


» CMF Member
Member since:
(no worries..changes rock)

i think its the rear one leaking again or something..i havent had a closer look yet but im assuming its the same thing (same sorta symptoms/place) ..maybe its somewhere else..

I thought it was the think short one that went through the sponge filter?

I am talking about the long skinny one which plugs into the filtered side of the stock airbox through on the left hand side of the TB underneath...


» CMF Member
Member since:
That PCV breather hose doesnt need any sort of vacuum. But technically (and for the EPA) it is meant to be tied into the intake tract somewhere as it vents crankcase gasses which havent been processed by the catalytic converter.

Aaron as for you leak, check around the dizzy/rocker cover. It may not be the rear main seal leaking. Due to that gearbox/block mating place being the lowest part of the engine, any leak high up on the motor can easily make its way to that lowest position.

Even leaking driveshaft seals can leave oil drops around that area.

Goodluck with it.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Yeah I reckon too Aaron. If you've already replaced the rear main seal. Chances are its probably not that leaking. They are a very tight fit and pretty easy to get in there and really simple as that.

Yeah quite possibly something up higher dripping down into that area..


» CMF Member
Member since:
You love it.

Hey, don't worry though. Rear main seal is by far the biggest and most pain the arse one to change. If you've already done that. Hopefully whatever this one is should be less hassle.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Hahha..Anyway i worked out that thin skinny tube isnt anything to do with the PCV...its part of the thermal vacuum valve..

as to what its actual purpose not sure...

Check out this pic from workshop manual.


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» CMF Member
Member since:
From memory the valve is there to stop the engine from drawing on the carbon canister when cold. When the valve reaches it predetermind temp the valve opens allowing the carbon canister todo its thing (feed vapour from the tank to the engine at cruise).


» CMF Member
Member since:
yep thats the conclusion that I came to..

BUT what about the little skinny hose..the carbon cannister is already connected to inlet for a vacuum source, but the skinny hose is on the OTHER side of the thermal valve..

unless its there just to draw in a clean air source? (but again, it's got vac from the inlet..) hence being in the filtered side of the airbox..

interesting discussion..


» CMF Member
Member since:
when i went to nissan with my induction kit on the mechanic just sealed it by screwing a bolt into the end of the hose. i dont know if thats wise or not though.