passenger side door handle (exterior) broken

Gah my friend decided to open my car door which was locked and hence broke the handle, I have tried numerous times to tape it fix it with araldite etc.. but I think it needs replacing!!
Whats a good price for one of these (ive been quoted 12 quid delivered .. seems reasonableish)
but more importantly how do you fit one of these on? are there any guides at all, I am a bit concerned it relies on some kind of flexibility the parts had when new that they might not have now! fwn


get it done... just buy it...

>Winder off, small clip behind it use a thread hook it off.
>handle off two screws on mine, models vary with long armrest, need to lift flap first.
>doorcards, pop off round the edge, then push upward.

lookbehind the handle.

>unclip the coloured plastic that connects to the vertical rod.
>use ratchet to undo the two bolts.
>pop handle off.

process in reverse...

lmao!! sorry but thats exactly how I broke my passenger side handle!

Easy enough to replace, Mean Mirca covered it all basically, need anymore help let us know