Passanger side knocking. help

Hey guys,

I got some knocking sound coming from the nearside wheel. It started like 2 weeks ago only when i was turning left, but yesterday it was knocking even under acceleration. It is the side with new drive shaft so i dont suspect cv boot or joint is the problem. I think its possibly the bearings because there is slight grinding like noise when i turn the wheel, but im sure its not the brakes cos they have been changed. Any other ideas how to test if its the bearings or any suggestions? thanks george
same thing happened to me few months back ...started to knock on the way back from stafford.........jacked it up the next day and the wheel had loads of play on it,so i just nipped the nut up,was to tight and it still knocked but not as bad so i loosened it of and nipped it back up...............fingers grossed its been ok up to now.
Hey guys, I got the car up today. I tried if there is any play in the wheel and it seem fine. I took quite a lot of it apart. I checked for any movement, play and I tighten everything back and its still knocking. any suggestions? I really dont wanna buy new bearing or hub to find out its not the problem. cheers
the best way to test a wheel bearing is to spin the wheel while holding the leg george (you will feel a vibration through your hand if its shot)
is it a random knock or constant ?
The weird thing is it doesnt do it when im turning anymore, but just when accelerating at all the time not randomly, when Im just maintaining the speed its fine.
Worth a check just to make sure I suppose, may just be a duffer.

Where did you buy the shaft from? Genuine Nissan?
well i hope it was greased as it was all one piece with cv boots and all that. pretty sure its the near side. if i dont find anything tomorrow, which is more likely :( as i know myself ill make video. cheers
Ive stopped being lazy today and I checked the gbox side and there seem to be a bit of play. I took the nearside apart, drained the oil, checked the shaft which seems to be fine, etc. Then Ive put it back together. Went for little ride and the sound was gone. So I gave it a little bit of thrashing, quick sharp right corner exit and there it goes again :( There is problem on the gbox side. Do you think I could have damaged the inside of the box when i tried to put the old broken shaft in? thanks

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