i was driving the car home the other evening when all of a sudden the lights on the speedo went out and so did the parking lights and tail lights, i had to drive home the rest of the way with my rear fog light and headlights. i've noticed that even the BEEEPY noise (when the lights left on and you open the door) has also stopped working.
i have checked the TAIL fuse in the engine bay and all seems to be fine. i even checked the internal fuses (next to steering wheel) and i realised the electronic parts fuse had blown (i think a 7.5 one), but i changed it and theres still no luck , maybe the lights werent related to that particular fuse.
so here i am , hoping someone out there has the magic answer lol because right now i cant drive at night as i cant see what speed im doing
i was driving the car home the other evening when all of a sudden the lights on the speedo went out and so did the parking lights and tail lights, i had to drive home the rest of the way with my rear fog light and headlights. i've noticed that even the BEEEPY noise (when the lights left on and you open the door) has also stopped working.
i have checked the TAIL fuse in the engine bay and all seems to be fine. i even checked the internal fuses (next to steering wheel) and i realised the electronic parts fuse had blown (i think a 7.5 one), but i changed it and theres still no luck , maybe the lights werent related to that particular fuse.
so here i am , hoping someone out there has the magic answer lol because right now i cant drive at night as i cant see what speed im doing