
So I love my little metallic blue micra but a while ago I had a massive dent in the door, so decided it was easier to source another door which was the same blue and put it on, obviously the colours are not a complete match up, really bugs me ): don't wanna spend like 100's of pounds in a body shop, so anyone got any tips how I could fade this? or blend it perhaps so it's not noticeably a different door haha

Would appreciate any help
i have exactly the same problem ! check my blog....
rear pass door is dented and rusted with hole in bottom, and fron pass door is dented right on the edge where it meets the door pillar, i gotta get 2 new doors, im respraying my car white myself, much cheaper, and if you know what you are doing, will get a nice finish :)
not something I have looked into with the weather, but don't have access to a workshop really or could possibly do it and its my daily so hard to keep it off the road for a bit, hmm I was looking into the t-cut for blue paint and thought maybe this would blend it a little... or might just get a vinyl for the sides (like a stripe or something) which may take the eye sore away, or wait a year for it too fade haha

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