P0132 Help Needed

Nissan Micra k12 1.2 Petrol 2007 eml light on code P0132 O2 sensor Circuit high voltage bank 1 sensor 1 rough idle hesitation upon Acceleration reset Eml few miles later Eml back on with same symptoms,Changed front O2 sensor but Eml and symptoms back again after only a few miles,should I replace the back post cat sensor aswel or any suggestions scanner showing both sensors voltage stable at 1.275 volts with eml on please help
When did you last service the car?? change plugs and air filter for starters, if there is still a fault after the service then you can zone in on the problems 1 by 1, as with all cars getting on, its a process of elimination as problems that appear can have multiple causes.:unsure:
the o2 sensors can only generate 1v, so i would be looking for a dodgy connection somewhere (bad earth maybe ?)
Update changed spark plugs and gave the car a full service but still same issue with EML coming back on after a few miles rough idle and hesitation on pick up with OBD2 on it reads sometimes both sensors 1.275v and sometimes both are within range under 1v and sometimes the post cat sensor is reading high 1.275 and the pre cat is within range under 1v fault code is still P0132 O2 sensor Circuit high voltage bank 1 sensor 1 looking online I keep seeing that its normally the No 2 sensor (downstream)that needs replacing even though the fault is showing sensor 1( upstream) Please some advise would e really appreciated Thanks
i would check the voltage output from the sensor with a meter (plugged and unplugged) there may be a corroded connector that is leaking out from the sensor heating wires ?
Unplug the back sensor and check the actual sensor connector with a multimeter? Plugged and unplugged how would I check it plugged sorry I'm not that savvy thanks
yes the sensor generates it own voltage when hot (there are some vids of mine on here, search "bouncing") so meter on the signal wire and earth.
then check that signal wire when plugged in also
Thanks for the reply but still not managed to understand fully how to check the sensor.Like today have been driving it about 6 hours and it's been fine if it was a bad sensor would it be ok sometimes and sometimes not.Also having problems with heater blower motor like its jamming and stopping when I go over bumps then sometimes tapping it resolves it sometimes not got a mind of it's own sometimes sounds like a machine gun firing how can I access the blower motor Thankyou
worn brushes on the heater motor maybe ? (never worked on a k12 tbh)
and try an obd scan gauge for live data reading (sensor voltage while driving etc) i use one of these on my little toyota

s-l1600 (31).jpg
s-l1600 (30).jpg
Nissan Micra k12 1.2 Gasolina 2007 eml luz en el código P0132 Sensor O2 Circuito alto voltaje banco 1 sensor 1 vacilación de ralentí brusca al restablecer la aceleración Eml pocas millas más tarde Eml volvió a encenderse con los mismos síntomas, cambió el sensor de O2 delantero pero Eml y los síntomas volvieron después de solo un unas pocas millas, ¿debería reemplazar el sensor del gato de la parte posterior o cualquier escáner de sugerencias que muestre el voltaje de ambos sensores estable a 1.275 voltios con eml encendido, por favor ayuda?
Hola a todos, soy104 OCTANOS y soy nuevo en el foro, gracias por vuestra ayuda, tengo este mismo problema con un micra K12 MOTOR CR12 80CV, lleva la sonda lambda delantera y bujías nuevas originales, me gustaría saber como solucionaste el problema finalmente

Iky114p muchas gracias​


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