oil in the IC


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been doing work on a diesel bmw (blown turbo) and there is oil in the intercooler, the best part of the pipeing ive managed to clean the inside of but not the IC.

can i just jetwash/steam clean the oil out of the intercooler and re-use it? i would of thought aslong as most was cleaned out it would be ok to use? but thought i would just doubble check
pour in brake clener or some kind of solvent degreaser cap both ends then shake/tilt it about.

However BIG WARNING if you do this MAKE SURE YOU TOTALLY DRAIN IT and allow it to totally evaporate and dry out. Failure to do this will cause engine 'run away' and potential horrific damage as it revs uncontrollably running on the solvent/degreaser in the intercooler. You really don't want this to happen.
Cheers for that ED (Y) I'll do that and leave it to dry for a cupple of days then get the hair dryer on it :)
No problem. Just out of pure note its possible for diesel engines to explode when their tubos go properly bang. This can happen by all the engine oil being thrown into the turbo and entering the engine, which the engine then runs off. If you try and turn off the key nothing happens and it will keep running.You have to force them to stall for example by stalling the engine in gear or driving it into a wall (ok that last bits a joke lol)

yea i know ED :eek: when i worked at ford we used to punch a code into the oil pump that was unique to each type of engine and it gave us the correct amount of oil needed. anyways somthing happend to the codes and it was pumping incorect amounts into the engines. so a diesel modeo was filled up and turned over to run for wile, 5 mins passed and it started to pick up the revs and one of the lads rushed to turn it off and needless to say it didnt, by this time it was screaming its T i t s off with a load of crap coming out of the exhaust then boooom....we all stood around and had a good goork and giggle as it was the bosses motor... highlight of my time at ford :D