Number Plate Removal


Ok my number plates are here and I want to fit them but i dont know how to get these little black caps off the front plate, one of them spins and the other doesnt move and i cant get them to prise off Im wondering if anyone has any ideas, also the back plate must be on with sticky pads how can i get this off without breaking it?


  • DSC01472.JPG
    428.5 KB · Views: 217
Get a screwdriver behind them i'm sure they'll snap off! And just be gentle but firm with the rear, the sticky pads will give before the plate!

they,re screwcovers, you flick them off to access the screw :) .
and a spatchela is handy for prising the double-sided tape off
ok so once the caps are popped off theres just rusty bolty screws left behind and i have no idea how to remove them... pictures added, any thoughts please? I apologise about the quality of the pictures they are the best i can get with the thing being on the black V it blends into the plate when the flash goes off. Its basically flat metal with a rubber washer around.




self tappers are made from VERY hard steel, i usually grind the heads off, then screw whats left out, with mole grips
Drill them out :D, then use number plate sticky pads from Frauds for your new ones
i have double sided tape but i got 5 meters of it so im going to make sure its well covered... once i get the old ones off, what do you grind stuff with? a grinder i presume i dont know what one looks like i doubt we have one oh why am i a girl if i was a bloke id have sorted this by now.

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