* sausage
2 months ago my micra wasn't starting ... completely randomly with no apparent reason i got round this by taking a direct line from the battery to the solanoid ((see blue cirle)) and touching int there as i turnn the key this worked fine....
randomly the car fixed its self so i fort no more of it howevr this has came back to haunt me as now i have the same problem accept my d.I.Y fix does not work ..
the symptons :
turn the key on a cold start 10% chance it'll start
if it doesn't the car makes no sound at all ... (no clicking from the starter motor etc.)
warm start no chance it'll start
if i link the solanoid ( see red cirle) there there are sparks , as there should be
what i'v checked:
new and different batteries
jumping starting ( no success ) where ever i conect leads
I can't see any unpluged leads etc , all over features of the car work fine ( lights etc)
The car is a 1999 1.0 petrol mianual
the image ......((btw this isnt mine its just a pic frm ebay))
if you have a tiny idea what wrong please say, any advise is good
2 months ago my micra wasn't starting ... completely randomly with no apparent reason i got round this by taking a direct line from the battery to the solanoid ((see blue cirle)) and touching int there as i turnn the key this worked fine....
randomly the car fixed its self so i fort no more of it howevr this has came back to haunt me as now i have the same problem accept my d.I.Y fix does not work ..
the symptons :
turn the key on a cold start 10% chance it'll start
if it doesn't the car makes no sound at all ... (no clicking from the starter motor etc.)
warm start no chance it'll start
if i link the solanoid ( see red cirle) there there are sparks , as there should be
what i'v checked:
new and different batteries
jumping starting ( no success ) where ever i conect leads
I can't see any unpluged leads etc , all over features of the car work fine ( lights etc)
The car is a 1999 1.0 petrol mianual
the image ......((btw this isnt mine its just a pic frm ebay))

if you have a tiny idea what wrong please say, any advise is good