North East Meet - FEB/MARCH

im interested in a meet but think the car will still b fully standard. also i dont wanna sound thick but what is rolling road and lazer quest?lol
dont disown me!
will it be at night or daytime and will it be weekday or weekend
lazer quest is running around a black room with laser guns shooting everyone on the other team. lots of fun
rolling road measures the power output of your car
its in south shields


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straight up the a1 onto the a19 matey the riught up the road. about an hours drive. an hour 1.2 max.

im travellign 3 hours to the nw meet next month :O
Aye - okay! :kungfu:


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I'm lush ;)

At the moment I am yet to sort a date, but it will be on a satuday night, meeting at 6ish and having laserquest at 7. I need to find time to sort out booking it.

Its looking to be around the 5th of march tho....
well ur off from thurs.... i wont b using the car much friday coz ITS MY BIRTHDAY (and yus me expects a card wayne:p not that it will beat my egg n bacon 1 lol) but anytime ur free ill make myself free seein as u doin me a favour:)

every 1 post to see if the majority can make it on the 5th March evening time.
UR not getting a card like. nobody gets cards from me. i dont do cards sorry
no bday christmas or valentines as rach just found out.

soirry i think they the biggest pile of wank going that u throw away after 2-3 days


unless ur my gran who then in turn recycles them and cuts the nice pictures out and uses them as gift tagso_O

wTf is that about :S
lol what ya like wayne! a nice gesture txt will do:p
and u didnt even get rach a card?? WAYNE!!!!! did u get her a present or take her out tho YES????

i wud offer to let u stay at mine but not sure my mam wud like some random scot staying with me who she dont kno lol
well what ever night you go take ya time through shields and round
about shields as the coppers are s**t hot at the mo, couple of people
a know got done. They watch out for people flying on the cctv
camera's and they hide in every nook and cranny just to let you
most likely down there most nights know acouple of lads
with k11's so al try and get them no laserquest for me tho
not at the mo it wouldnt, someone keyed my drivers door and
someone hit the passenger door with a trolly i think and i hit
a curb with my front splitter! oh and the vent's cracked
apart from that its ok! lookin forward to see your cars aswell
Yeah, at the moment its at mine during the day then shields on the night i think

Not sure if I will make the night tho, need to spend some time with jess and the littlun, will have to see
woo swopped shift. gone from a 4.5 hour shift to a 6 hour shift all for you people *grumbles*

anyone need meeting anywhere or are you not that tarded anymore?
I'll come down on the 4th, so think i can stay a Waynes on the friday + Saturday night. Looking forward to it!
Titch :kungfu:
Neil uv gotta come!!! wudnt b same wivout u there!!
wud it b easier 4 u if we made the meet at urs and the meet at shields on diff days so u can do both??

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