Nissan Major Service vs Local Mechanic

Hey guys! I am wondering weather I am being an idiot plain and simple lol. I want a major service done on the car as I have only recently bought it. I asked a local reputable Mechanic how much a major service is and what is included (£130.00). I then went to Nissan and they and they gave me a paper which has everything on it (including what is checked and done) and a major service comes to (about £230).

Now I did compare the list Nissan gave me to what the Mechanic told me he would check and I was astonished over the fact that how many more things Nissan check the car when compared to my mechanic.

Am I being silly if I said that I would want to go to Nissan to have the car checked?
If you keep paying other people to do stuff, you'll have to keep paying other people to do stuff.

If you get a manual and learn it, you'll save yourself, you'll have learnt stuff...
Hmmmmmmmm, problem is that I have no garage and no tools, I will let Nissan check the car over this time and after then I will get a Haynes Manual? If thats what you are referring to then yes I will get one and read through it and start getting sh*t done myself!
Yeah I know, I don't want to damage her so I guess I should leave her to the professionals, I dont mind it anyways, as long I am looking after her. Thanks for the advice anyways. I don't think I have the skills like alot of people have on here so I shall leave her alone lol.
i would ask or search plenty :) its what this place is for.

pollyp k11 blog is very detailed so check that before getting the car workshop manual.
I dont have a garage and I didnt have many tools before I got my micra. Now I still dont have a garage I just do repairs outside my house (neighbours can think what they please) and I have built up lots of tools and its only cost me a couple hundred quid for all the tools I got (well worth it...remember tools ARE an INVESTMENT!!! Despite what my missus thinks, buy good quality too) Micras are very easy to work on...iv just changed a wishbone...didnt know how to do it when I started, didnt even read a haynes manual while doing it (never do) I just looked at the old one then seen how it worked and visualised how it dismantled. Then an hour later a new wishbone was on it. If you can fix a bicycle you can fix a lot on a micra (excluding internal engine work ofc) but you COULD fix everything external on the car. Just do it
Lol my "dings and dents" in my one old lady owner micra take up most of the body work. Aint a side that aint hit and theyre like craters defo needs new panels but theyre mechanically sound cars so that can wait till after xmas.
Only thing is I forgot to say is it becomes an obsession if ye dont keep it in check. Ive adjusted/cleaned/replaced certain bits that didnt really need it just cause I couldnt help myself. And any noises I hear however slight put me into OCD break out the toolbox mode. Seriously I cant just come home from work and watch telly like a normal person...I go and do something to the car.
Lol haha, you sound like me! Every little problem MUST be sorted out. Im glad that you are sorting problems out on your own! I have a few health problems so I have to get someone else to do it. At least they won't f**k it up eh.

I do have one question. My cross member seems to be in good condition. Is there a way for me to maintain it so that it does not rust out? What what about sills? Is there a way I can maintain them so that they don't rust out either? I did look at rust proofing the chassis and it costs about £250.00 to £450.00!!!!!!! If it is £250.00 and they cover the cross member I might think about it as I want to keep the car for as long as possible lol
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To slow down the death by rust process I've undersealed my sills and crossmember. Just buy a tin of it and brush it on. I removed the loose rust on the crossmember with a wire brush and painted it first with some hammerite I had left.
I have the spray stuff gonna wire brush stuff clean then seal all the underneath...and I mean all lol. This car aint joining the kas as fiestas above lol
Hey! Thanks for the replies guys! Problem is I have no idea where I am not supposed to spray the stuff lol and what stuff I need and in what order to apply it all in. I may give it a go myself rather than get it done by someone else. It does seem rather steep!
Just had a tought, that would make for a very good thread regarding rust proofing/undercoating. Alot of micras fail MOT's on rust as far as I am aware of. If someone who knows what they are doing creates a step by step guide with illustrations to show what to do and what not to do if possible. However I am aware that time is required to do this but it was a thought that I thought was worth sharing on here!
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Ill maybe make one when I do mine mate...about time I made a blog lol. All you need is some underseal whether tub or spray can and pre the surface areas your sealing. Basically you dont need shiny new metal you just need to brush off the flaking and loose rust/worst of it with a coarse wire brush. Just give it a bit of working over get all worst crap off and then apply it to all the areas that are rust prone under the car e.g front cross member/sills/the front end middle section around where your anti roll bar middle bush links be as well giving the front and rear suspension components a doing too as it wont add that much time on. Obviously the more you can be bothered doing the better your car will fare over the years. Theres not really anything to worry about underneath with regards to spraying into somewhere you shouldnt. Your g/box/exhaust/suspension are all sealed anyway. Once youve applied it just have yourself a nice coffee as a reward and let it set. Nout to it really. Kinda like oiling a motorcycle chain. Same method, principle and reasons.
Hey! THANKS! Yeah, I will have to do it in the spring/summer as its constantly raining at the moment. I also want to know what type of jack will I need? Im presuming I will need 2 stands too. Where would I jack the car from and where would I need to put the stands? I don't have a garage to work in either. Thanks for the reply man!
Iv never used stands so far... but thats dangerous dont be me lol!! I got my two ton trolley jack from halfords on offer for 25 quid :) its perfect. Avoid scissor jacks at all costs theyre dangerous and crap and they bend if you get the angle wrong. Also buy a couple of ramps off ebay for cheap they're a godsend.
Yeah man, I may just do that, I can only work on my car in the summer, that means I have plenty of time to ask around and do research myself on how to do it properly! Thanks for the advice man! Really appritiated mate!

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