Nissan K11 ECCS Repair?

Hello everybody.

I want to know if the K11's ECCS can been repaired?
Do a bit of resoldering maybe, or change components.

Will it affect the engine control settings if I just unplug the ECCS?
Will the engine work correctly if I put it back again (without repairs)?
Do I have to reset settings / do diagnostics test before / after?

Any help please?

Am new here.
The car had a frontal accident by previous owner.
Found some badly done body works on the front.
At the diagnostics centre, they said that the ecu can fail/lose settings if has shocks again.
I think they are lying, because they almost conned me into changing the air-flow meter.
I just want to make sure that the ECU is safe, because I already did an engine replacement weeks ago, and don't want to get another broken engine with electrics at fault.

Will the ECCS / Engine settings remain the same?