New K10 Owner in london, howdy

Hey guys,

Just thought i'd join up as i've recently bought a K10 (I think) as my first car.

It's a 1990 Micra LS, in red, 33k on clock and cost me £100. Bargain I think.

Inside is in good condition, and it runs and drives.

Won't start without a bump or jump start, got the battery sat next to me on charge. Hopefully that'll sort it out.

Aside from needing new wiper blades (anyone know somewhere?) and rear reg light bulb changing, I can't see anything wrong with it.

It needs an MOT done to it, so hoping it'll pass first time.

I'm not liking the 4 speed gear box much, but oh well, it will have to do for now.

Take it easy guys, great forum, already nabbed the manual from here ;)
Hey there, another LS owner :p
i actually really like the 4 speed lol - a 5 speed conversion is a straight swap so if you hate it that much its an alternative.
Welcome :)

Found the wiper blade thread link.

Woooot, so i can convert it to 5 speed?

What made you prefer the 4 speed over the 5 speed?

How, where, what, who, gimmie gimmie gimmie.

is there a link you have to conversion guide??

will it cost much?

and any downsides to doing it?

Also I've seen a pic of a K10 on here with a different steering wheel on it? Is that a hard thing to do?
woooh another london'a!!

i got a four and a five speed, think i prefer the four, gears are longer and more fun realy, the four speeds can still it the sameish top speeds as the fives (when standard) aswel so no gain there realy.

best wiper blades i ever bought..... £2 aldi, been fine for years now!

yeh can change the wheel, need a boss kit (an adapter) do an ebay search or must be quite abit on here about it.
woooh another london'a!!

i got a four and a five speed, think i prefer the four, gears are longer and more fun realy, the four speeds can still it the sameish top speeds as the fives (when standard) aswel so no gain there realy.

best wiper blades i ever bought..... £2 aldi, been fine for years now!

yeh can change the wheel, need a boss kit (an adapter) do an ebay search or must be quite abit on here about it.


hiya fella,

found the boss kit ta, will have to wait til i get a lil money.

Priority is gettin it through it's MOT cheaply,

do aldi do them all the time or once everyso often
doubt they got them all the time to be honest. think i was just lucky.

yeah i think one of mine is needing the mot soon, bought it for £70 off ollyc98, spent probly just over 100 on it now n hoping it will be ok.

and them boss kits aint to cheap, if one pops up in the for sale threads on here snap it up, usualy not bad prices.

but yeah welcome to the world of micra, are great little cars realy!!
Thanks guys, well if anyones selling boss kit and wheel soon, give us a nod.

Just put battery on charge over night and tried in car today, it wouldnt start.

Just kept getting a clicking noise :( (sounds like its coming from under airfilter, on carb.

Can start it everytime with jump leads tho

Any ideas?
batterys probably dead no matter how much you charge it its probably dead either that or knackerd starter motor check the battery first charge and it and get a multimeter on it should be between 12 and12.5 if alls good.
i have a 4 speed micra to and i quite like the long gears but im changing to a 5 speed next week as i have a huge exhaust and at 4100rpm at 70 its too noisy :p also all you need to change is the gearbox nothing else very easy :D start a blog mate and get some pics up
my 5 speed has the same long gears as the 4 speed plus an extra one, if your going to get a 5 speed, make sure it came off a 1.2 micra then it will be the long ratio one, whereas the 5 speeds fitted to the 1.0 micras are the short ratio ones, basically the same as the 4 speed but 4th has been split into 2 gears.
ok will have to hold back on 5 gears for now i suppose.

I know this is a stupid question, but am i right in saying the starter motor is located on the left side of the engine, nearer the top end, closest to driver (if you were stood at the front of the car looking towards the back)

Also, if the car starts 1st time everytime with jump leads, surely this means starter motor is fine but battery ####ed?



so after speaking to a friend and going back to the car. Have a lil more progress.

Think i've found starter motor, and its not where i thought it was.

He said that when i use jumpleads, it bypasses starter motor. Is this right? I thought jumpstarting was merely using another cars battery.

Now im assuming this, but if i stick it into first gear and start it, it should lurch forward or just not turn over at all as battery is too weak to turn it.

well i did try to start it in first before and didnt lurch, just carried on doing that ticking noise.

Rocked it back and forth in 1st. And then tried to start, no clicking.

So im assuming its trying to turn it over but not enough juice in battery.

Will try to charge again and see what happens.

Just going to double check connections to starter motor.
lol yeah when you jump-start the starter motor just uses juice from the other car , i would charge the battery over night, check voltages, if all is ok with the battery and the car has been used regularly then i would start checking connections to and from the alternator.

Dont worry about the starter motor, i believe the "ticking noise" is just the solenoid which requires little power, but there is not enough to actually turn the motor.
if the car can be jump started then this proves the starter motor is working.

you may need either
a new battery
a new alternator
alternator connections

or if the car has been sitting for a long time non of the above

Hope i helped :p
woo hooo,

You've helped greatly.

Car has been sat in a garage for a year.

so perhaps just a new battery if this isnt retaining enough charge

So jumpstarting does not bypass starter motor
its deffinatly not your starter motor if you jump start it ( i got confuzed and thought you were bumping it) try getting the car going then go for a long drive as sometimes
a charger doesnt charge enough
woo hooo,

You've helped greatly.

Car has been sat in a garage for a year.

so perhaps just a new battery if this isnt retaining enough charge

So jumpstarting does not bypass starter motor

Yeah if its been sitting for a year the battery will be dead

Connecting the battery of one car to the connections of another car does not bypass the starter motor as that's what turns the engine over

Rolling it down the road does however not need the starter motor
so maybe your friend has just got the two mixed up (Y)
When i first got the car, i took it for a 10 mile drive or so. Stopped it.

Turned key. It started.

But then tried same again, wouldn't.

Doh should of said it earlier.

So new battery it is. woo hooo

Thank you guys,

Have started a blog on here too, pics to follow.


Pics added on blog Munkeyboi's micra blog


Got a 2nd hand battery and whacked it in.

It started. Woo hooooo
if the bonnet if very faded,i have an immaculate bonnet and immaculate boot with everything fitted ready to bolt on,absolutley no rust and very clean fresh paintwork.
it will freshen it up 07850867627
no worries,i saw the pic of the tin worm thats attacked your boot under the glass,and thought it would be much cheaper and better quality than a repair.
nice, boot is mint isnt it, like the spoiler too.

I got mates down that way too.

I am interested but i'll be totally honest mate.

Am not working at moment cause of health problems. So money is tight.

Need to sort out MOT this week, then tax.

So if i did get them, it probably wouldnt be til next month at least.

How much do you want for them individually and for the pair.

Seems like a nice k10 u got there. Get sum pics ups!!

Also, regarding 5 speed & 4 speed boxes on a 1 litre. Does the 5sp give better acceleratoin due to the short gear ratios.

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