New dials with rev-counter - fitting?


Club Member (Trial)
Hi everyone!

I want to fit dials with a rev counter in my ’92 1.0 LX 5-door, 5-speed Micra. I have a wiring-harness and the tacho-board with rev counter from another Micra.

I’ve read the tread:

I have problems figuring out exactly how to do the wiring job – can any of you give me a little help here? A detailed step-by-step guide woud be very appreciated!
I have linked to pictures below for your (and mostly my) reference ;-)

1. On which terminal on the coil should I connect the wire to the connector?
I somehow have to transfer wires from one of the 10-pin connectors to the 8-pin connector.
2. Which wires should I take from the standard 10-pin connectors and transfer to the 8-pin connector?
3. Is there a wire from the other 10-pin connector which have to fit in the new 8-pin connector?

Many, many thanks in advance – Best regards Andreas Kaup - Denmark:laugh:

Connectors in my car:
New connectors from wiring-harnes:
The back of the dial-housings - uper one is the old without rev-counter:
You need to be an official member to view the guides, but it's well worth signing up to read.
You need to be an official member to view the guides, but it's well worth signing up to read.

Signed up as a trial-member to see the guide (and other guides as well).

The guide as such didn't help me that much. My Micra is a '92 LX-model (for right-road-drivin') and I do not know from what model my new dials were from. The only (for me) usefull information in the guide was that the pin for +12V-clock was the pin for the -coil.
I had to spend some hours figuring out the swap of wires between the two connectors. (by comparing the back of the dial-housing.) It is not that difficult but perhaps I should write a few word in the guide about what I did - in case others might get the same problem.

When idling the rev are about 1500 RPM - I find i quite high (for a very standard-engine Micra)
What is your RPM's when idling?

Best regards - and thanks for replies
is 1500 RPM when the engine is warm? Cold Idle will be slightly higher than normal and may be around this figure.

Natural Idle should be around 800 i'd guess!
is 1500 RPM when the engine is warm? Cold Idle will be slightly higher than normal and may be around this figure.

Natural Idle should be around 800 i'd guess!

Point taken... That was with quite cold engine - it will go below 1500 RPM when warm, but still more than 1000. So far I've only driven approx 15 km with the new counter, and when I returned from that initial trip I didn't noticed the idle-rpm.
Will reply after the next longer run ;-)
Best regards - Akaup.
The rev counter may be inaccurate, or the timing of the car may need looking at so it idles correctly. My K10 used to idle around the 700 mark when warm, and over 1000 when cold.
The rev counter may be inaccurate, or the timing of the car may need looking at so it idles correctly. My K10 used to idle around the 700 mark when warm, and over 1000 when cold.

Warm idle: 1200 - 1500 rpm
Cold idle: 900 rpm (Have to give it a little throttle the first minute or so in order to keep the engine running!)

Don't know exactly what to do about it - easies thing is to live with it ;-)

I suspect my speed pilot/cruise control to be the reason for the high idle when warm. It is the type with a wire connected to the throttle(speeder?)-cable and I have it set with absolutely no freeplay - in order to be able to maintain 120 km/h on the highway :wasntme:

Is it normally trouble-free to adjust the warm-idle or should I learn to live with it? (From Haynes I can see a screw to adjust the warm idle - but it is slightly difficult to find the exact screw :-()

Best regards - Akaup

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