Hi everyone first of all my English language is not well that's why I'll try to my best for the explanation and sorry for some grammar etc.. Mistake...
It's my first insurance I paid £1500 and one month after its going to finish the main thing is I had a small accident 6 month before I just little bit touch from behind the a car on motorway junction...
The car suddenly stopped without reason and 3 guys come out from car ( they were from Pakistan) I was have 3 passenger as well in my car and I told that ldriver what is the reason of did you stop he couldn't give me any reason and just said sorry and other guys start to take pictures of my car when we were doing conversation. I'm shocked and driver start to force me for take my detail I said nothing happen my car and your as well why should I give my insurance I said call police please he call and he put on and police asked has anybody injured he said no and they said if no body injured we don't need to come but I didn't Trust him I call as well police officer said same thing to me. That other 3 person was very professional and they were expecting this accident I realised they are doing this think as a business unfortunately I gave my details and after 2 weeks my company call me and do they said they claim it and they went to hospital they all injured then I said it's not possible because I both of us called police and we said no body injured and I fight a lot anyway they start to call me like 3 time a week many time I explain to them how it's happened and it wasn't normal accident... Unfortunately yesterday I got letter they made up my next year insurance £1900
I don't know what I have to do buy the way I did not claim. I just checked others companies online like moneysupermarket. Com If I didn't have this accident they just want £800 who got knowledge about this think I need advice please
Thank you
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It's my first insurance I paid £1500 and one month after its going to finish the main thing is I had a small accident 6 month before I just little bit touch from behind the a car on motorway junction...
The car suddenly stopped without reason and 3 guys come out from car ( they were from Pakistan) I was have 3 passenger as well in my car and I told that ldriver what is the reason of did you stop he couldn't give me any reason and just said sorry and other guys start to take pictures of my car when we were doing conversation. I'm shocked and driver start to force me for take my detail I said nothing happen my car and your as well why should I give my insurance I said call police please he call and he put on and police asked has anybody injured he said no and they said if no body injured we don't need to come but I didn't Trust him I call as well police officer said same thing to me. That other 3 person was very professional and they were expecting this accident I realised they are doing this think as a business unfortunately I gave my details and after 2 weeks my company call me and do they said they claim it and they went to hospital they all injured then I said it's not possible because I both of us called police and we said no body injured and I fight a lot anyway they start to call me like 3 time a week many time I explain to them how it's happened and it wasn't normal accident... Unfortunately yesterday I got letter they made up my next year insurance £1900
Thank you
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