need advice for air filter and cold air feed

need advice on what air filter to get and what price range i looking at here, heres the lowdown:

a. i originally had a small k&n air filter (universal) which sounded great but as i had no air feed, it put too much hot air into the enigne therefore making it slightly slower! so i took it off and in process ripped the black rubber surround so i cant use it again :(

b. want to put another filter on but this time with a cold air feed i can do this but as most k12 owners will know, you have literally a gap big enough for your arm between front grill and engine to place a small filter in there! can people advise best choice filter and where to buy with price? :)

c. standard square k&n air filter..only trouble with is will it provide a better rumbly sporty sound or will it just sound the same as my stock one?

answers on a postcard please :D (joke)
I have just started to modify my 160 SR and will be placing the cold feed pipe in the right handside fog lamp, but I am still trying to find a specific induction kit.

I have a universal cone filter and plenty of silcone ( left over from my s14a's surgery ) so will be shoe horning this in if I have no luck with finding a kit.
c. standard square k&n air filter..only trouble with is will it provide a better rumbly sporty sound or will it just sound the same as my stock one?

Did this today, there is a small difference in sound at higher revs, slightly more 'rumbly'. But for power I haven't yet noticed any difference, and am yet to see the effect on mpg.
@ SR20DET - can you put some more pictures of all parts for that job couse i am trying to do the same work here...

what kind of tube and how long is inside or did you put some flexibile thing...thnx

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