ncvt problem

from cold put selector in drive car only goes 10mph for a few minutes then goes ok but now and then car slows and revs increase then again works ok other times it doesnt accelerate any ideas please
<<from cold put selector in drive car only goes 10mph >>
What's the engine doing is it responding to the throttle ie does it rev but the car moves no faster

I assume the selection is easy

<< but now and then car slows and revs increase>> This sounds like a slipping clutch/Torque converter
<<other times it doesnt accelerate>> do you mean an unresponsive engine or lack of vehicle progress?

OK things to do.........confirm gearbox type has it d2 or L on the selector below "D"
If it is L - you have a torque converter so if you are lucky the fluid level / quality /blocked filter may be a simple cheap solution

If you have d2 - check the carbon brushes are freely moving and are long enough so they make good contact.
They make the electrical connection for the electromagnet that engages the clutch. In the powder clutch magntized partictals "stiffen" and connect the engine to the transmission
The "armature" surfaces should be clean, if there are signs of heat tarnishing, it is not good.
Check the CVT fluid level if it is not bright pink/crimson but black try changing it as it might cheer up the drive band / cone positioning if not already damaged beyond serviceable use
Check the switches on the throttle, if the "drive train" engages OK but fails to give more motion with acceleration the second switch may not be cutting in.
An off the wall thought is the kick down cable may be causing trouble.

I am ready to be shot down if I am offering bollocks advice but this is my interpretation gleamed from this forum and google.