n00b here needs help with fitting new brake pads & disks

Hey guys,

New to cars and such :/ Found out yesterday that when brakes scratch that you might need new pads ¬¬

So I've managed to get onto EuroCarParts and will have pads and disks later on today 26/07/2014.

I've never changed a wheel in my life. Can anyone help? Beer/Money/Crisps/Love free.

I'm in Gosport, Hampshire. Will ofc pay petrol

Sorry Sammeh only just seen this or I could have helped you out today. I might be able to help you out tomorrow or next week... I can photograph the Haynes manual and email you if that helps.
Hey guys - Thanks for all the help, some guys from Southern Customs came and helped, All the bolts were seased :/ So angle grinded them all off. got new shiney ones. Also found some electrical wiring issues of my own to fix :)

Thanks anyway guys :)