My photography


Ex. Club Member
Hi all just phought i'd put a link up to my photography portfolio (the beginnings anyway) feel free to have a peek if you're bored.
I like, what is the thing in the top right of escape route?
Also peek has two e's ;)
Spelling corrected. Cheers:laugh:

The top right? Ther blurring on the top left are two people walking down the staircase, i don't know if that's what you meant?:upside::upside:
realy nice photography mate, how much does it cost to get into that kind of thing?
Decent digital cameras such as a canon 300D can be purcased for around £4-500 now.
very vague question really. all you need is a camera, so about £100. but if you mean digital slr photography, such as the photography simon does (with a canon 10D) or that i do (with a 300D), it's £500+ for the camera body and then anything from £70-£10,000 for the lenses.

the most important thing though is having the eye for a good photo and not just one for a snap shot. in the style of mastercard, the talent is priceless.
My 300D is up for sale if anyone is interested. Make me an offer? Nice pics by the way Simon.
how much are you looking for ed? i cant make an offer, i just want to no a ball park figure to see if its within a range i can afford, i wouldnt mind gettin in to that as photography is something i've always realy liked, deviant art is good for good photography,
I got two of Canons Digital slr's the 10d then the 20d at £1500 each plus flashes , wireless triggers e.t.c I was way outa my depth with the cost and ended up selling them. Ive now got an old film slr Olympus OM10( a bit of a classic) and am having stunning results.
Having the digital cameras tought me alot about technique and also alot about money management. lol:laugh:

Cheers Ed for your comments, glad you like em...
Haha simon I've done the same with video gear. I have to admit I brought the 300D on impulse, its utterly brilliant, but I've just picked up a 10D now, so the 300D has to go.
I like your use of flash with the BMX very nice, and the Mr Bunk image is also a very good shot, oh and the Macro one is another haha. I prefer my photos to have a puropse and show technical skill and fast reactions. (These combined is what I feel makes good photos - and I hardly ever achieve this lol) It is of course a hugly oppionated subject (as is all art!) So I tend to prefer these to the more setup arty ones like the stairs for example, where you may have had a few chances to get what you were looking for. Fireworks is one think I enjoy taking photos of, its unpredictable to a certain extent but the results can be pretty cool.
As for my 300D I would like around £380 inc the lens.