My micra start up in 3 cylinders.

Hi everyone. First to say, I'm from spain and i'm learning english, so sorry if you can't understantme.

When i start up the engine cold, starts only 3 cylinders. De first cylinder beside the timing chain have a failure.

I've remplaced the inyectors rail, ignition cables, distributor, throtle body and i test with a polymeter the inyector conector and it's fine but still wrong.
When the car gets the temperature, runs fine, only works wrong cold.
The mecanic says provaly it's the valve seat and other mechanic the ECU...

I wana cry hahahahaha. Someone could help me??

This is my car, 1.3LX prefacelift
best to try a compression test, maybe valve clearance ?
the exhaust valve stem gets hot gasses blown onto it instantly, then the coolant heats up the whole head after a few minutes
best to try a compression test, maybe valve clearance ?
the exhaust valve stem gets hot gasses blown onto it instantly, then the coolant heats up the whole head after a few minutes
Thanks for the answer. Okey, so tomorrow the homework is do the compression test and see the resoults.

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