My front side driver window winds wonky after installing new speakers

Hello everyone, I have a Micra K11 which I recently replaced the speakers in, and this involved taking off the inside panel. However since then, I have noticed that:

1) when winding down the window, it isn't smooth due to friction because these black strips along the frame keep getting pushed down. So I have to wind it up a tiny bit before winding it down further to 'loosen' it.

2) the window starts to sink more towards the front of the door as I wind it down. There was one time I got it 3/4 of the way down, and then had a bit of difficulty winding it fully back up, like it got stuck. I just had to keep winding it up and down by tiny amounts to 'wiggle' it back into position, because I didn't want to risk damaging the glass panel.

Is this something that can easily be fixed myself?

I found out that one of the places where the glass panel is held onto the regulator has gone loose so the panel keeps sliding out of it! Now I just need to find the right socket thing so I can tighten the nut. Does anyone know if I need to apply some new glue?
Many thanks for the link. I'll give it a try. I tried to tighten the nut but it didn't do much as the glass panel was still able to slip out of the clip! Strange that the other clip is holding the panel in fine! I'm going to have another check tomorrow to see if anything in the door is rubbing against the glass panel (maybe a rubber strip) that is helping it to slip out of the regulator clip, before I go get some glue for it.

I'm just wondering if I apply some glue there, is there a way to remove the glue if the glass panel needs replacing in the future?
All the nut does is hold the plastic holder to the winder mech, the window is held in by sealent in the plastic holder, take the one off that is loose, clean the old sealant out and put lots of tiger seal in there. Wack it back together, wind window up and
leave over night ;)
Got some superglue on it and it seems fine now. Now I got to get the windows clean cos of that green gunk that held the plastic cover sheet on the door was getting everywhere, and then a change of the wiper blades which I bought replacements for months ago and never got round it it. Funny how you fix one thing and another thing pops up! Hopefully I won't end up taking 'too much care' of my car and start pimping it up like you guys have :) (I'm skint atm lol).
it doesnt take (effort)much to get your ride lookin sweet so go for it--keep a look out for stuff at the right prices

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