My Car...


Iggy Iggy oooooooooo
Heya Fellow MSC people here is my K11 up to now ive had it since may this year and i have a few pics i wanna show you, i would like your comments please, first here is a pic of the car as stock.


here it is so far






Door cards

colour coded wing mirrors, bump strips and door handles

Meshing the front grill at the moment....will be finished very soon.

Thanks MSC for everybodys ideas

I like the colour coding on the outside, great job! A bit too much blue on the interior for my liking but looks like a neat / good finish tho!

Keep it up!

nice c/coding... i would have done it a little less blue intense...
probably black and touch up smaller bits blue...

cant wait to see it at aul meet
yeh im thinkin super s seats too...
i have recaros ready to fit, but i use them for my ps2 in my room...

i kind of like em in the room so may get super s ones for car...
Interior is well cool, looks well nice..

as for the outside i suppose the only things that people can suggest is the usual things really, alloys, lowering etc..

for a cheap mod though, clear lights would look amazing on that colour car :p
its got alloys on you going to lower it soon, not sure bout clear clusters, gunna get clear indicators though
spray the grey bits black inside and add a bit silver, will look better- keep it up though - as glenn says, clear lights
i need to get some time on my hands, i tried to take out my dash on sunday but realised ill have to take out my steering wheel, got any clusters for sale ben ;) hehe
paddymarsden said:
its got alloys on you know

woops sorry, think im just used to bigger ones that basically fill the arch, like some 15's.. :S

i got clear lights on my car, havent had any trouble with them at all, they were a bugger to fit though and i suppose the bulbs are quite expensive but they are cool, do turn heads!!
think i paid about 12 quid something for mine, but my dad is and mot tester and he said there is no way he wood pass me, so i think bulbs up to and over 20 quid is the kinda figure you will be looking at..
theyre a piece of #### to fit and the bulbs are cheap as chips! Much better off getting the LED stop/tail bulbs but the lights themself couldnt be easier to fit, three nuts
Looks good for a facelift.As others have said its a bit to blue on the inside. But break it uo with some black and silver. Get clear lights, clear repeaters, chrome handles and deck it and will be looking sweet.

Titch :kungfu:
Looks quality mate, like others have said it's a bit 'too' blue on the inside but definately will turn heads!
Thanks for all your comments ! im ordering the clear indicators when they are back in stock :p and i was thinking of dark lights instead of clear, so in other words tinted rear lights,on Cisco's site there is a blue micra with black tinted lights looks sweet
Does look good!!!
I like the blue interior even tho as others have said, and i agree, just a little too much but your changing it so can't wait to c the outcome.
Have you thought of doing the air vent's blue? My mate who has the green k10 has this and it looks good.
paddymarsden said:
Thanks for all your comments ! im ordering the clear indicators when they are back in stock :p and i was thinking of dark lights instead of clear, so in other words tinted rear lights,on Cisco's site there is a blue micra with black tinted lights looks sweet

if you spray the rear lights darker then it will prob best going for the smoked side lights aswell, wont look good if you have dark rears and clear sides..

my opinion any way!! :laugh:
Rear boot handle would look better in blue too. I personally dont like it went people colour code the base plate, but thats down to matter of taste right.

umm inside is not the kinda thing i wud do to my car, again a matter of taste cums to mind here.

tint ur rear clusters black rather than buying clear clusters in my opinion as ive not really seen a blue one with them on too see how it would look. Might look good, I dont know. up to u.

here is an example of one with tints...(hope u dont mind me posting it on ur thread)...

naaa dude dont worry, you have a point though about the clear indicators, i may get smoked ones and tint my rear lights, hmmm that picture u posted is interesting, going to spray my boot handle blue too, i have a 2inch back box i need to fit but will this effect my insurance?

interested to see your trimmings 'richmicra'
what happened to taking your dash out anyway?? i was planning on doing mine black.

how are u gonna mesh the grill

i'll show u how iv done mine at NW meet, easier to explain
i tried to take out my dash but the steering colum gets in the way :( so when i have a few days off im going to make it a full day project, im gluing it tonight when i get back from work, ill post up my pictures later on tonight, its easier to show you :p

What have you used to re-trim your door cards ?
paddymarsden said:
i tried to take out my dash but the steering colum gets in the way :( so when i have a few days off im going to make it a full day project, im gluing it tonight when i get back from work, ill post up my pictures later on tonight, its easier to show you :p

What have you used to re-trim your door cards ?

gluing what??
iv done my mesh ages ago mate!!

retrimmed in genuine fake leather!!!lol
same fake leather as me lol take a look at the meet, gluing my mesh, i meant ill post pictures of my dash hanging out of my car but steering colum in the way.

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