My Big Secret

CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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I know I go on about the dark side and Mr. Vader but I admire someone else much more.
"Feathers McGraw" is his name, a manipulative, master of disguse, master criminal, a deep thinker and is never quite what he seems and loves loud organ music.
I have tried to model White Knight along the same lines in many ways.
So now you know.

CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
Member since:
Nope just old age and senility creaping in.
Its great, no need to take any drugs to be crazy.
8.30am tomorrow White Knight mounts the dyno.
Be afraid, very afraid.
You will hear it growling across Bass Straight.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Allright, that's what I need. But don't worry getting there fast.

I will keep an ear open for white knight over the weekend.