MSC Suggestion


Ex. Club Member
non members should be allowed to edit their posts.

simple reason why. they may accidentally put "u" (instead of you), "r" (are) or "lol" (should clearly be laugh out loud o_O) and by the time they hit "post" its too late.

also its annoying when you forget to mention something and have to double-post instead.

think this post is ok. didnt spell and grammer check it in word however.
- To avoid misunderstandings, please don't use 'txt spk' and ensure your post is relatively typo-free

It's written above the box you type your comment in on every page. All posts should be proof read before submitted, just incase you've made mistakes, they can be corrected.

The automerge feature is quite useful and saves you the need for editing your post, by merging them both together.

Non members used to be able to edit posts, however for reasons which i cannot remember, this obviously has been disabled.
yes i understand that. i was just suggesting it should be re-enabled as i don't actually see why its disabled...
why should people who arent willing to pay have the extra features
If you really love your micra you will let her join
why should people who arent willing to pay have the extra features
If you really love your micra you will let her join

editing a post is not a feature. it just stops arnold from giving me tellings off becuase i accently used "ne1" and could not edit it.

there is no way on gods earth im spending £10/£20 on a site in which i may end up getting myself banned purely by accident.

anyway it was jus a suggestion. thread closed :p (becuase i said so ;))
Your an ex official member, that means you have no excuse as you have been here long enough to know better.
I think its lame that you cant do what you can normally do on forums. Im not gonna spend £20 for unlimited posts and I.m-ing

I think its lame that you cant do what you can normally do on forums. Im not gonna spend £20 for unlimited posts and I.m-ing


Paying official membership doesn't just give you unlimited posts! Not only will you receive avaibility of numerous discounts from companies, additional sections of the website, a few other tiny enhancements like signatures, avatars, stand places at car shows, membership cards, window stickers etc etc etc etc..... your also supporting the biggest & best micra club in the UK and beyond! Without paid up members, this club would not exist.

The other forums you post on are no doubt not clubs but general discussion forums, usually funded by sponsership and adverts plasted all over the site. Im sure if you were to look around, other car clubs operate a similar way to the MSC.

Rlees85, "ne1" is not a typo, and the fact you've posted similar wording in other threads just shows it's not accidental.
Your an ex official member, that means you have no excuse as you have been here long enough to know better.

a bit off topic wouldnt you say?

and arnold: its called second nature. do it without thinking. (except in english exams which i havnt had to do sinse i was 16)
It's pretty much standard practice on many other forums I use and many more besides.....

More advanced features become available when you join forums as a paying member, TOC is the same, Escort evolution, GT forums to name but a few I have been on just recently.

There has also been cases in the past with forum members posting something abusive and editing the content out. This was primarily non members which did so; obviously this isn't the case with everyone, but the decision was made to stop that happening with that particular user group which we had a few issues moderating.

Yes, there is nothing to stop an official member doing the same, however this doesn't seem to happen on a regular basis, if really at all.

On the lines of text speak, the internet has a lot to blame for when it comes to people's poor spelling and grammar, It's become the norm for people to use text speak when typing.... I know I'm not perfect, but I always try and keep my posts clear and easy to read 'whatever' forum I'm using.
