morons at durham


Buy & Sell Member
thats durham street cars web site.............idiots my car acording to the dummy sucking mammy boys is worth a maximum of 700 quid that is if it were a facelift model got myself banned me thinks as reply was a little shall we say straight to the point
I know what ya mean!!!

I know the lad who started it and joined when it first started to boost his numbers up a bit, but i havent bothered with it since, i find it too full of chavs, and thats not the kind of club / forum i want to associate myself with.
Maybe they based that estimate on their piece of crap car.

Chavs make me giggle, most of them know nothing about basic maintenance of their cars, and they judge a car on how it looks.

On another forum a chav accused me of 'muggin 'im off' (whatever that means???) cos I told him he should spend some money on his engine instead of wasting time on the outside.
Lol, funny you should bring this up, I was working on a car yesterday (a 5 GTT) and the lad who owned it had added the following:

Sparco shoulder pad-things.
Metal floor plates which weighed an absolute tonne.
A 'custom' ICE install which, although well thought-out, looked utterly hideous (think white fiberglass on a black car) and also weighed a tonne. The subwoofer in the boot filled it completely and the wiring was appaling.
A 'racing fuel filler cap' which turned out to be a sticker.
LED 'landing lights', god knows why.

Meanwhile, he had failed to spot the rot holes appearing around his bumper mounts. The engine was also in need of a little love, shall we say. I can't understand people who do things like the above and totally neglect the engine.
I suppose they realize that modifying the car lowers the value enough without them breaking the engine as well
The engine was also in need of a little love, shall we say.

not supprised pulling all that unessasry weight about. i tell me mates that all the time they go "ahhhh i got this got that looks mint" me- "how much you spunk on that?" mates "£80-90". at that point my jaw drops and im like why on a 1 litre? put ya money in the engine and have a sleeper!
muppetts every one of them if i do a full restoration using new panels instead of filler then how can it still be just the same value, I wouldnt care but the kid who made the comment lives in a right dive maybe he should spend some money on his stink hole he calls a house instead of his chav car, I cant accept that a car that has had as much time spent on it is still worth the same as it was when you started it.If that is the case then im doing it no out of things to say about him as i dont want the swear filters needless to say wish it was a 2ltr i was running so i could shove it right up him
Speaking from personal experience, I didnt know much about engines when i started doing mods to my car, so started with body mods & handling instead and left the engine alone. You get to a point where you realise that is it really worth it on a standard engine. At present, it's all show and no go.

Other people may be a bit scared of Engine work. You mention it and they're either under the assumption there car can beat anything and don't need to change it, or that they're not sure what they're doing! You cant really go wrong slapping on a pair of clear lights, but performance upgrades could be very difficult. Some people don't even know how to service there own car! This is probably why you see alot of chavved up cars out there.

I know for future projects, i'd start with the engine & handling first and then do bodymods afterwards
I cant accept that a car that has had as much time spent on it is still worth the same as it was when you started it.

In all fainess mate you never make your money back unless you dont spend any lol, but if a car is clean and well done then sometimes the value can increase a bit on top of standard.
You have to remember most people want a standard low maintenance car, those who want to mod want to do there own and make there mark.

I know for future projects, i'd start with the engine & handling first and then do bodymods afterwards

I pretty much just stick to engine and handling, body work has to be safe and legal, any body mods have to be very very cheap, free or help with performance. aka RAT
i dont disagree as i didnt spend a fortune on any body mods. yes i bought better bumpers and tail lights tinted windows and a respray but all that i done myself so cost nothing more than time. as for engine well it has been serviced by me for the last 4 years it never misses a beat but its no scooby gripe was in fairness that the mellon head said you can get facelift micras so that would be what 1998 onwards for as little as 700 quid, now i have been looking for a bog standard k11 2000 onwards and there is none for 700 quid not even a cat c or d.........back to my car it was a bog standard micra shape it still is as far as im concerned but its worth more than the same spec car from the same year simply because its rock solid no welding and new panels instead of filler and glass if it wasnt then I have been doing this too long and need to retire.....I dont intend to offend anyone and if you try and do wrong then big up you tried and says more than some muppett paying big bucks for a super car and not putting a proper roof over his kids head.......I look on here and there is kids 19 years 24 years and there are one or two old farts me for one 46............28 years repairing painting modding cars and have never made a loss and I would like to think that by now I know a little of what im on about not for some little muppett on another forum try and undermine what i was trying to do.........
The thing that makes me giggle most of all is that I have FORGOTEN more than he will ever know about car mods..........and im old
In all fainess mate you never make your money back unless you dont spend any lol, but if a car is clean and well done then sometimes the value can increase a bit on top of standard.
You have to remember most people want a standard low maintenance car, those who want to mod want to do there own and make there mark.

I pretty much just stick to engine and handling, body work has to be safe and legal, any body mods have to be very very cheap, free or help with performance. aka RAT



That bike RAT! That stripped out micra is rat just a bit too clean and close to standard..................or is it?? But then its you who defines how rat your car is not me.