Modification advantages and disadvantages help?

Hello, I'm new to this (so feel free to rip me apart). I have had my 2001 k11 Micra 1.0L for two weeks now and i wanted to tweak the engine a bit to get a little more power or some power back. I have been reading a few threads about simple and cheap mods i can do to improve it. Im not into the mod scene at all aka exhaust and stuff so i really want it simple and unnoticeable mods.

lists of modification I'm thinking of having:
  • N15 Almera Filter box + Green Panel filter
  • Micra 1.3 Cams
  • Iridium spark plugs + New cables
maybe later:
  • lowering spings and shocks
  • font strut brace
i was wondering what type advantages and improvements (if any) will i get from the first few modifications? e.g Bhp, throttle response, ect........
and the disadvantages of these mods....overheating, MpG, reliability, noise and ect.....
(let the ripping begin! ha)
Apart from the 1.3 cams you probably won't notice any differences, lowering will tame the body roll and I'm guessing you meant front strut brace which will help stiffen the chassis but again I doubt you'd notice
Never done it myself but apparently it moves the power band up higher in the revs, and if you only put in the inlet cam it'll move it more to the mid range
All 3 should be an improvement in their own way,

When i was running custom induction (But not cones or any of that stuff) the top end poke on mine improved a fair bit, especially when planting it in 3rd to overtake and get it up to 80/85 quickly (My old facelift 1.0 pulled like a tank! especially after modifying the stock resonator pipes!)

The cams are a good move for some good power and change to the powerband and could get you anywhere between 2-5 hp ideally, like Karl said, the single inlet cam can enhance midrange performance making the 1.0 more gutsey lower down which would be ideal for daily driving, i think frank said both cams push the power higher up the rev band though but i can't remember o_O.

The spark plugs and leads are always good to change now and then, a decent spark can make hell of alot of difference, when i swapped from nkg rs to bosch supers, i noticed the nkg'rs would pull a bit better in the CG10, (No idea why, but could feel a small loss of power).

Personally if your looking to tweak the 1.0, you want to be looking at what bagacete did to his, he built an 8000 rpm setup, i think the other things you will need are
- Bigger fuel injectors (1.6 ones? i believe anyway)
- Custom exhaust manifold (Although i'm wondering if you'd get away with stock because the 1.0 and 1.3 share the same mani and the 1.3 can get 65-75 hp out of it o_O)
- Remove rev limiter!

Bagacete said the car pulls very powerfully at 5k all the way to 8k, so it is worth modding these 1.0's sometime!
Wow thats great! MrMigs08 thanks for taking the time to write all of that. I was really not sure weather a 1.0L was worth modding at all. But from that i might as well give it a go. But now I'm going to sound so Nubie to this but, whats the difference between the single inlet cam and cam from a 1.3 or are they the same?
If you were to do all the above it would also be worth adding a less restrictive exhaust manifold to get the most out of your mods.
The standard one is very restrictive and i found a noticeable improvement when i changed mine on a stock engine
it's nothing special just the stock 1.3 inlet coupled with the stock 1.0 exhaust rather than putting in both 1.3 cams or leaving it as stock 1.0 cams
i,ll be doing some more mods to my misses,s 1.0 soon, for performance/efficiency gains, but mainly concentrating on fuel milage (i wanna see what mpg i can eke out of a CG :) )
it's nothing special just the stock 1.3 inlet coupled with the stock 1.0 exhaust rather than putting in both 1.3 cams or leaving it as stock 1.0 cams

Ah i get it now. ill be researching in to it very soon, thanks for all the advice.

is there any places that i can get all theres parts from either second hand or cheap? i would go to a scrappy but there isn't one near me.

Also anyone had any disadvantages or problems with these mods?
i,ll be doing some more mods to my misses,s 1.0 soon, for performance/efficiency gains, but mainly concentrating on fuel milage (i wanna see what mpg i can eke out of a CG :) )

Me to I'm doing this for similar reasons, it will be interesting what you get. Please post results when you get round to do it.
hello just wondering if theres any special way to fit spark plugs and also how much would i expect to pay for a 1.3 inlet cam?
So long as there are big bright sparks, how can it matter what device has made them? My hard driven Micras have run on the stock NGK's no problem. I like the idea of a horizontal spark and maximising the area of edges for them to jump from hence I have a set of Bosch Super 4s to try. I think the 0 resistance leads are as important to the result though. If you search you will find plenty of reference to the iridiums, I haven't seen any test results for them like EBBDude provided for the Super 4. I'm no expert so I'm happy to take good advice when I find it.
Good power for the pound is sort the exhaust out.Standard is very restrictive...Have a nose at Hoopdubs blog,he's just fitted one from here Good value,looks standard-ish & not too in your face with the noise apparently..There's a nice gentleman on here who can modify your manifold for you that also looks standard to the untrained eye.
As MrMigs said losing the rev limiter on the 1.0 is worthwhile,I could feel there was more to be had on mine.Might be an idea to get a rev counter pod if you do although I did not break my 1.0 engine despite the thrashing it got without a guide.You can tell when the power has finished & time to maybe change gear :confused:
With intake,exhaust,plugs,leads & limiter you'll liven your car up..never did a cam change on mine went 1.3 but sounds good...Have fun :)
i,ll be doing some more mods to my misses,s 1.0 soon, for performance/efficiency gains, but mainly concentrating on fuel milage (i wanna see what mpg i can eke out of a CG :) )

at least 60/70 i reckon Frank! although the 1.3 will have a better chance at higher numbers! let us know, i'm interested anyway even if nobody else cares about eco runs!
mods are all about grin factor :) but if you want to be correct a decent modded car is safer mota well if you do the brakes etc all about making the most of what you have i.e the 1.0 vibe super economical and quite (the wifes) but the super s is crashy loud and barks but nice and rally like well in my eyes not in the wifes !!!!! good luck with it ;)

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