Misfiring, not starting, Can anyone Help?


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Need some help guys and girls

my 1994 Micra Super S, is having some weird symtoms. Three months ago the car would not start only until I got help push starting it ans it worked!! Kinda well is was misfiring a little (burbling) I did some research using MSC search feature and found that it may need the throttle body resoldering, which i did! it bought the idling back upto 800-900rpm when previously it was 400rpm or lower, i was well happy but it didnt last long only 3 days in fact. Again it wouldnt start after a long time push starting it work again and cleared the burbling misfiring after a couple of minutes and last for around a week. and i thought it cleared but yesterday i had quite a long drive around 230miles and left it to rest for the night. and today morning same things happened again not starting!! but it did start eventually when i hooked it upto the almera battery too, but again misfiring.

This happened in a course of 3 months
The car was fully serviced in Feb 09, with new oil, oil filter, air filter, fuel filter, etc

I also have some injectors (new) that i wanted to change but some of the screws (on the injectors) are too tight and i didnt round them off.

What you guys and girls think? need a new throttle body? or something cheaper.

Thanks in advance
Hmm i bought the battery 2 years ago and i think its still on warranty, no green stuff on it, only the terminals are loose so i wedged a cable tie in both terminals to tighten them.

I can install the Almera GTi battery in it for a while as the car is off the road being repaired.
I got all that sorted, the terminals i changed and did what you said, car doesnt feel any different, see how it goes.

Thanks again, see how long this lasts :suspect:
Mines is doing the same thing right now, only starts with a bump start. Turns out my alternator is packed in. Scrappy time!
Loose battery terminals will certainly cause the problems mentioned. When starting the motor draws a hefty current (40 amps thereabouts IIRC?) so any terminal resistance at all is likely to be abortive.

Done the battery terminals change as suggested and lasted until today morning. My Super S doesnt want to start again!!!!!

It just doesnt turn over, i even tried hooking up the Almera Gti's battery to it too but this time it will not start!!!

Anyone got anymore suggestions, i needed to go to town to pick up a lock for my patio door (desperately need one as the lock has broken leaving it open all the time)

Please can anyone help, as my GTi is sorn and my Super S aint starting

hooking it up to another battery sounds like an ignition problem to me, ie. the extra grunt was enough to bridge whatever problem there is.

If you have the means, I would strip the ignition down, check coil, rotary arm, plugs and leads.

Sounds like the problem is with one of those. I would guess rotary arm.

Oh i didnt notice the last comment - it wont turn over. Maybe a relay or the starter motor itself at fault then? Bad earth? I would get a multimeter on the starter motor. If there is a reading, and it doesnt turn over = bad starter motor. If there isnt a reading then obv somewhere between the battery and the starter motor.
while trying to start the engine. If you turn the key and the starter motor doesnt do anything, its either because its knackered or because its not getting any power. If it isnt getting any power, have a look in haynes manual to check relays, fuses etc.
I started reading my haynes book and i had another starter motor lying around, so id thought id change them and see what happens. I took the battery out, then the battery holder out and moved the fuse boxes over the distributor,and took off the airbox and piping off, i got to the one of the bolts of the starter motor and i took that off. (at this point i was well tired, cuz i havent eaten all day) so i stopped and thought id take the second bolt off 2moro when i jack the car up. but instead i took the main wire bolted to the starter motor off and cleaned it and put it back. I then put everything back together but without the airbox and tried to start the car and well it did! now i dont get it, im thinking it aint gonna last so im gonna take the starter motor out 2moro and see what happened to it and see if i can fix it like i did with my old 1.0 micra. Thanks for the help tho, ill find out 2moro if it is the starter motor.
My Super S is badly rusting, and idle is funny so i did the throttle body resolder, plus my stereo doesnt pick up much stations anymore, which im thinking is the same earth problem too.

There is an earth wire to the body which is right opposite the starter motor and gear linkage cable on the right, not entirely sure if thats for the starter motor. that wire has rust around it and im afraid if i try to unscrew from the body it will break off. if i do get it off with breaking the bolt what would i need to do to clean that area?

Thanks Richj, you've been a great help
I'm possibly not the best person to give advice because the way I think makes me approach problems differently than maybe other people. What I would do in your situation, trying to decipher whether the starter has a bad earth: I would hook up a jump lead from the earth of the starter directly to the earth terminal of the battery. If that solves the problem, in my mind, its a bad earth.

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