Micra Turbo Insurance



hey How much do you guys with micra turbos pay for your insurance i've just got a quote for £2449 fully Comp and i'm 18 y o from Adrian Flux i this any good?
For your age i would say that is a good price. Lad's your age r paying 1500 for 1.0lt k11's!!!
shop around, try local smaller insurers. Spend up to a week phoning around and doing online quote applications. The big "0800" call centre companies companies allways charge more.

2 and a half grand is a joke! You could buy many micra turbos with that sort of dosh

what level of cover is this for? (TP / TPF&T or COMP).
Get "TP only" if youre running a cheep car, and be ready to cover any uninsured losses yourself (a new micra for around £500? if the worst happens)

Calculate how many miles you are likely to cover in a year and dont over estimate too much when telling an insurer your milage.

Ask insurers which of your statistics is causing your premium to be so high and if there is anything that you can do about it.

Also if it has not been a full year since you passed your L-test it would be well worth your while to take a PASS PLUS as this can save around 10 to 20 % on a premium (£245 to £490) in one year. and it will help with your driving too. The course is only about £100 and it is not examined like the L-test was. Its quite interesting too (if your sad like me)

If its too late for PASS PLUS, you could join your local RoADAR (RoSPA Advanced Drivers And Riders) group or IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) group. As some insurers offer a discount for advanced drivers or people who are training towards an advanced driving quallification.

dont rush to a policy, if a weeks worth of shopping around can save you 500 to 1,000 quid on a policy.

If the premiums are this high every where you go, I would consider running a basic, non turbo car for a year.

Good luck and hang in there!

Cheers alan, after 2 cans of tennants super and half a glass of white, i missed it.


At least then, going for a lower level of cover is an option

cool bananas!
I would never pay that for insurance...

I'd much rather save it for something more important, Just Me :p
thanks for your input no i havent got a turbo micra yet thought it would be a good idea to see how much the insurance would be first
If you dont ask you dont know, so its not pointless at all. I first paid 2700 when I was 20 for the ST fully comp I changed to TPFT and it was then 1700. The DD was even with a deposit £150 month since I got turned over for interest on the monthly repayments. Adrian Flux and Tesco quoted about the same. I have 2years NCB on the ST policy now, and im with a local broker, its now 480 a year. Much Much better..
I think insurance costs for younger people are obscene, (god that makes me feel decrepid) if you're going to pay £2500+ for insurance on a K10 turbo then you're probably better off buying a newer and "better" car, dont get me wrong, I'm definately smitten with the Micra but I'm with D4R73N on this one, its better to keep a relatively standard n/a micra until your premium comes down a lot, save the money for something more important, don't give the thieving insurance companies all your hard earned cash if you can get away with paying less for a while.