micra sr20

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hi 2 everyone got a 20 litre micra

20 litres? Must have been hard to shoehorn that in... :p

Anyway, welcome, good to see more SR20de powered micras. Since everyone else will ask, have you got any pictures?

20 litres?? :)

you mean 2000cc!

Don't scare us all like that :p

Welcome to the club Chunky
yes loads how do ya upload them

can anyone help to upload pictures
put some pictures of my micra sr20 on moddedmicra uploader under chunky if anyone wants a look thanks
sweet!! nice work... is it running, or still being built?

theres another sr20 k11 micra being built at the mo on this site, and theres a sr20det k11 as well here.

also a sr20det k10!!!

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