micra interior colours


Buy & Sell Member
hi, i have a 1985 nissan micra GL in gold. the only problem with it is the interior is a horrible brown colour and the door cards and the carpet is brown. is there anything i can do, ie spray then or cover them?? in order to get rid of these to maybe black or grey as i want to respray the car outside sometime! thanks adam
Have you got a datsun? i wouldnt mind seeing pictures.

The material inside isnt really suitable for spraying, your best bet is buying a roll of cloth and making your own. Ems has done some on her K10, here's how they look!

I've just done the seats on mine, not a fab job, but not too bad either - if your careful cutting off the old covers you can use them as templates for cutting new material.

Depending on how fast you are at sewing you can knock a seat out in a couple of hours. I'm slowly writing up a guide on em (meh new lost box set keeps on distracting me :D ) so that should be posted fairly soon with the measurements etc.
heres some of the interiors if modified over the years;

unfortunaly i dont have a picture of my custom subaru blue dash handy, maybe youve got one rimmer? if not ill post them up tomorrow :)


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i was wondering whether there was any other way to spray the dash, as it is brown at the moment and i would like it to be black. i have seen other guys spray there micra dashes to blue and many other colour, i was just wondering how to go about doing it and what i need?
painters tape to mask off the parts you don't want changed, and a paint that will adhere to plastic...and if it's heat resistant, it would be a bonus (for those summer days when the sun sits on your car for 6 hours straight)

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