Micra coolant temp display

Hi everybody!! I don't know if this is the right place to post this topic and I am sorry if I am wrong!! I have just bought a nissan micra k12 2003 model!
It doesn't have coolant temperature display and I want to install a gauge for that!!
Does anyone ever done that before? Could anyone suggest something?
I found some 52mm gauges but I think I will have a problem installing the temp sensor!
Please if anyone can help send me a message or a link (ebay would be nice)!
Thanx in advance!!!
I don't know about installing separate pod gauges, but I'm considering a dash display that plugs in the OBD slot, which includes readouts for the coolant temp.

For now though, I just trust that the red light will come on - I have a good habit of checking all my bulbs light up with the ignition.
I'd imagine you'd need to take a feed from the coolant temp sensor/sender probably will be on top of the thermostat housing at a guess
Then connect that to an aftermarket guage, there may be a pin out from the ecu or even the obd you can tale a feed from also but you'd need to get a ecu pin out diagram to confirm tgis
Why not install something like a Scangauge II? It plugs into your OBD port, and displays 4 vehicle parameters at once including coolant temperature. You can also read and clear your check engine codes (DTC). The only issue I see is that the cover on the OBD connector isn't designed to be installed while there is something plugged into the connector.

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