My dad thinks my O/S boot strut is getting...lazy of late, will hopefuly be doing a swap soon myself, just have to get a replacement strut ^_^
Haynes manual says to prop the tailgate (boot lid) obviously

On the car body end, remove 2 bolts and detatch strut mounting plate
On the lid, remove the ball stud fitting, or the 2 bolts again
Of course that doesn't cover the c+c, but i wouldn't think your struts would be hugely different
I'd assume on the c+c that your bolts at the body end are behind your rear trim panel?
As the struts sit closer to the body than mine. (I've seen them once *facepalm* my colleague showed me hers...once)
Trim panels are relatively easy to remove, just sometimes fiddly to line back up again.
Although as Skymera said a picture would help